Gorosei Informer

See this is why I think because Oda has made it seem like Kaidos death is gonna be the domino effect that will lead to the Great War that’s precisely what is not going to happen .

Kaido wants that to be the case but that won’t be the case.
The war is gonna happen irrelevant of his death or not but the Yonko are setting up to be dethroned by the WorstGen and Kaido will be replaced by force. Ain't no way he's going to give up and let it go, he's not gonna stop unless he's killed.

I strongly believe he will die in one way or another and it will lead to the great war but we will have to see who is right ofc.

Wanos end might be shocking because Oda actually kills off a major villain and finally has another actual permanent death, one that actually sticks like the end of Marineford and this time on the villains side too! Hes putting these death fakeouts to get our guards down so he can shock us even harder when the time is right imo.
What I don't get is he already "killed" Orochi to begin with and said he wasn't important to the overall battle. So like, what was he even doing this whole time lol

Him coming back and stealing that moment seems weird to me (even though I expect it). What I really would rather is Momo grabbing Ame and cutting him down in human form, but I guess there is a sense of urgency with Orochi trying to kill Hiyori.
Lolda is all over the place. Orochi should have died a couple times already but he's still creeping around
The war is gonna happen irrelevant of his death or not but the Yonko are setting up to be dethroned by the WorstGen and Kaido will be replaced by force. Ain't no way he's going to give up and let it go, he's not gonna stop unless he's killed.

I strongly believe he will die in one way or another and it will lead to the great war but we will have to see who is right ofc.

Wanos end might be shocking because Oda actually kills off a major villain and finally has another actual permanent death, one that actually sticks like the end of Marineford and this time on the villains side too! Hes putting these death fakeouts to get our guards down so he can shock us even harder when the time is right imo.
But I think what would be more thematic for Kaido and his “death” if it happens is if his loss is what delays to the Great War rather then it being the other way around

Imagine his whole idea was to set the whole world into going into this massive conflict and derail everything but his loss accidentally delays this from happening

Gorosei Informer

But I think what would be more thematic for Kaido and his “death” if it happens is if his loss is what delays to the Great War rather then it being the other way around
Eh sure lol. Oda loves his villains though and makes some of them succeed even after they are defeated though, so we'll see.

Gorosei Informer

:catcry: That's by biggest fear, that he will appear at the expense of Hiyori
Hiyori was a lost cause from when she had to be saved by Sanji Zoro and this happened too:

Like "Kyoshiro", "Komurasaki" became much worse after the reveal of their true identities.

She had some great moments vs Orochi as I hoped for recently but then Oda had to fucking ruin it anyway because his boner for misogyny rules all. Same with certain other authors too. "Muh Shonen Demographic" and "Conservative Japanese sensibilities".

Its funny how this arc involves ancient giants and dinosaurs as the writing itself feels prehistoric too!

Gorosei Informer

True the only way I can see him succeeding is if we get some kind of “talk no jutsu” scene with him tbh

Although Kaido defending the alliance would be pretty badass, making a grand final stand WB style, I suspected BM would get one defending her family tbh. Maybe at Elbaf if she returns? But I doubt Oda would repeat it twice with 2 different characters within such a short time too.

Oda seems to be really fond of Kaido and for some odd reason Orochi too, I really hope he doesn't try to redeem them and let them live, especially Orochi too.