Little spoilers for chapter 1048
-title-"The falling disaster"
- flame clouds disappears, onigashima starts to fall
-kaidou is knocked out(he falls in kuri)
-flashback of Roger vs kaidou
-breif scene of hiyori running away from orochi
-zoro coughs blood, sanji arrives at live floor
-chapter ends with kaidou waking up and uses a new type of attack(this one has different type of haki)
Man… Kakashi carried so much of the show. Surprised you’re not a big fan.
Lee used to a great character, then he just become completely unnecessary as Might Goat is just him but infinitely better
Neji...Kishimoto sucks at any romance that he wants to write about
I’m not too upset at that tbh. Lee had his moment in part 1 and he’s incredibly popular cause of that. But Gai was a much better character with similar amounts of exposure. They had their roles and they played them well.
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We do not mention Burrito here
Little spoilers for chapter 1048
-title-"The falling disaster"
- flame clouds disappears, onigashima starts to fall
-kaidou is knocked out(he falls in kuri)
-flashback of Roger vs kaidou
-breif scene of hiyori running away from orochi
-zoro coughs blood, sanji arrives at live floor
-chapter ends with kaidou waking up and uses a new type of attack(this one has different type of haki)
onigashima is already falling
It also makes no mention of Momo moving the island, which is like....everything to Luffy destroying it with his attack lol
So you want full information, OK I am giving it just this one time
-after luffy says momo that he trusts him
"momo grabs kaidou flame clouds and moves the island from its way, but after luffy hits kaidou the flame clouds completely disappears kaidou went all the way falling into kuri