Imma leave this here

What does 1048 mean in numerology?
The four-digit number 1048 is a number of complexity and nuance from a numerology viewpoint. It's primary frequencies are measurably diligent. Its ever-lasting fundamental quality means it's a number that can survive difficult situations and difficult contests. It's built for the ages, and to withstand challenging opposition. 1048 is known for its pulsating energies of durability and a good work eithic, both contributing to its natural sense of dependability.
Wasn't Lotr that one thing that no one dared to turn into a live action movie for decades because it was considered too hard?
Yes the Silmarillion and they were right.
Tolkien didn’t write a fantasy story, he created a whole myth. That was his aim. He was influenced by European myths and Christianity .
He created his own language and created a world for it.
Tolkien wrote about creation of the universe, the creation of the earth, multiple historical events and characters, multiple story’s and ages, bloodlines and different races with different languages etc.
It’s more than a "fantasy story"
Imma leave this here

What does 1048 mean in numerology?
The four-digit number 1048 is a number of complexity and nuance from a numerology viewpoint. It's primary frequencies are measurably diligent. Its ever-lasting fundamental quality means it's a number that can survive difficult situations and difficult contests. It's built for the ages, and to withstand challenging opposition. 1048 is known for its pulsating energies of durability and a good work eithic, both contributing to its natural sense of dependability.
Capitalism ruins everything, Peter Jackson was able to adapt the lotr into its own working fantasy on the big screen, yet he completely butchered the hobbit because "muh trilogy" :gonope:
Smaug is great though, the idea to make him into a wyvern and his movement with his skinny claws and wing has a sinister charm to it
Eten you’re 14 and already smarter than 99% of the grown ups