[FNZ] Role Madness A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones Mafia Game Thread

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Since roughly 24 hours has passed let me just answer this more honestly as I got what I wanted out of not being truthful and don't want it to somehow cause problems for town down the line.

i am new here. i have 11 years of experience aka too much. My original forum was the same as grammatron, rippedcal(haza), tyler herro(rugrat), kweh(tweet), and chevy(evans) and I believe that is all. I've played a game on the syndicate and on perc too(with haly/dizzy/fable/etc but none are here, altho some off them are on MU, I've never actuallyed played on MU lol).

I have a pretty good grasp on reading all of them. I'm pretty confident in both kweh and chevy being town. If you want me to elaborate I'm more than happy to, but I'll wait for evans to defend himself first.

I also have played with both ekko and tpein(unfortunately). Tpein even cost town a game at the end because he felt like ekko deserved the win more in spite of town handedily catching all the scum players, gotta love him.

this reveal matters little to most of you as it probably makes no different for most of you, but i also dont like having to bite my tongue on meta stuff I do know about people either because im feigning to be unfamiliar about them.


@RippedCal speaking of which, earlier you told me that i was wrong to suggest ekko being inactive early was a tell of any sort and that "i just gotta give him time" and that "alignment has no factor in his alignment". in fact a few people did. you can see from the link above that's utter nonsense unless youre going to say ekko was lying(as he was town this game) and this came about a week ago. most people cant keep up appearance as well as scum as they can as town, especially when they post as much as ekko does because that's just an absurd amount of posting.
Me own fookin magic!!!!


The End and the Beginning
In my experience the odds of scum Pero getting coached play-by-play on how to case cooler who has a handful of posts, on D1 is...miniscule. It requires, say, a team mate being in a pickle before you can even consider that train of thought to be valid. Way more assumption here needed than just believing he's seen him in action before.
That's the point though. He hasn't seen him enough to make the determination that Scum Cooler does (x). As far as Pero should be concerned, Cooler should always just be relatively inactive. Which is why I think someone must have discussed it with him, that they think Cooler might be scum (say, opposite scum) because of his activity. It doesn't actually require the bolded either, this could have come through speculation at any point in time.

Kagu Nyan

✨✨✨Hibernation mode on 🎵 ✨✨✨
I was referring to his Beeg post where he said he was almost certain Chevy is town
I read everything and Neeko said that Chevy wouldn’t go after Charlie and that’s not someone he’d do as scum. That’s just an assumption and I don’t see how he can be absolutely sure that Chevy is town.
That's the point though. He hasn't seen him enough to make the determination that Scum Cooler does (x). As far as Pero should be concerned, Cooler should always just be relatively inactive. Which is why I think someone must have discussed it with him, that they think Cooler might be scum (say, opposite scum) because of his activity. It doesn't actually require the bolded either, this could have come through speculation at any point in time.

Still dunno if I buy it but to be fair I think making an unqualified meta read doesn't look great in its own, period. If he has *some* play experience even if it's just one game I'd be more likely to buy that he's coming in swinging on his own regardless of alignment.

Kagu Nyan

✨✨✨Hibernation mode on 🎵 ✨✨✨
Ye I get all that. The first half of this is much more applicable to deadline lynch tho, whereas in majority lynch, yea you can try and analyze wagon behavior at EoD but it's that much more difficult if you end up no-lynching and don't have a flip to work with. And with that in the back of their minds, like I said people tend to get roped into lynches they don't agree with just so they have a flip at all.

Case in point, if this was EoD and it was, say, Chevy or no-lynch for today, I probably would go for that lynch even though Chevy is far from my top choice so far. I don't really mind Chevy so far but he's also not staggeringly towny imo.
Great! looks like we are on the same page about Chevy.

Who would be your other lynch choices?
As I said in my response to Ultra, I had a long break in playing, so I returned to playing regularly 3/4 years ago.

Ultra is like always for my blood it seems.
First post of the game:

Greetings, knights, lords, ladies, assasins, dwarfes, bastards, whores and eunuchs!

[Vote lynch Ultra]
Remember when you're swinging from the gallows Melkor, you brought this upon yourself



The End and the Beginning
@Ratchet do you think Peroroncino's reads show TMI?
tbh I couldn't even recall what his overall reads were

less tmi, in the sense that he knows what they are because of his alignment, more like he's saw this mentioned *somewhere* and carelessly forgot that he wasn't supposed to know it.
tbh I couldn't even recall what his overall reads were

less tmi, in the sense that he knows what they are because of his alignment, more like he's saw this mentioned *somewhere* and carelessly forgot that he wasn't supposed to know it.
I am talking about these posts
Neeko vs chevy looked like TvT to me but i never played with them so im going on gut feeling here.
Same with Michelle.
Way too early to make an opinion.
Cal,fuji, ultra,neeko,michelle,LM most likely town
Sk,kagura,ekko,arp can go either way
Tac,you and chevy kinda stink right now
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