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Amazing chapter, seeing again our top 3 supernova in action.


Something in this chapter was little suspect for me, check up these two panels and also the chapter before the flashback with Oden starts:

Shinobu with Momo...

And then Kanjuro with Momo:

What happen to Shinobu? Why his the position of Momo the same with Kanjuro as it was with Shinobu?
Did Kanjuro could even draw other people and give them emotions? In that case where is Shinobu? Did something happen to her? Or better did ever someone as Shinobu exist?
She was never there. Kanjuro used his df power power to mislead the scabbards.
Finally a Battle of Pirates in the Sea...:finally: Can't wait for next chapter and possibly un-off pannelled battle to see the Supernova Trio Flexing on those BPs.
I seeing three ships while we having Luffy/Kid/Law their, gonna be fun for these 3.:suresure:
Now how wanna Oda deal the Kanjuro stuff? Beating him here already wouldn´t really make the impact as when Kinemon gonna beat him in Onigashima. But if Kanjuro can escape, he would for sure tell everything to Orochi and the whole plan would be useless.
Let see how Oda gonna deal with this stuff.
I'd like to think this sea battle is set up for Jinbei to show up and wreck the ships.

But given there's what looks like three ships I'm guessing it'll be Luffy, Kid and Law sinking one each to show off. Though I think it would be more interesting if it was the ships themselves that did it. We know what the Sunny can do, but it would be cool to see Kid and Law's ships in action. And it would fit Oda saying at the end of WCI that he wanted to draw one
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