Will ZKK happen?

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When were you under the impression this game is..
Okay I am glad you admit Butchering a YC1 is greater feat than blocking a combined attack from two emperors which according to both emperors would have wiped out all 5 supernovas and made post Ryou Luffy who wrecks Katakuri shit his pants.

And I am glad you think Overwhelming King is a greater feat than Permanently scarring the most durable character with 30 broken bones and CoA only where as Luffy who defeated Katakuri couldn't even tickle Kaido.

And I am glad you think Overwheming King is a greater feat than casually making Katakuri's captain literally shit her pants and tell her fellow emperor "Kaido DODGE this ain't no ordinary ****".

All and all I am glad you admit King >>>>>>>>>> Katakuri.

Now lets go back to why Zoro butchers King.
Luffy struggled, YES struggled to block just just one, YES JUST ONE wind Scythe despite using his newly learned advanced CoA and said "Ugh" and 4 wind scythes, yes 4 wind scythes only connected made Luffy lose a lot of blood and gave him cuts in different parts of body.

Now one wind scythe Zoro wrist flicks, YES FLICKS WITH HSI WRIST without releasing Enma.
A named signature move Oni Giri, without Releasing his Haki through Enma did Zero damage to Kaido yet Zoro can casually overwhelm a Wind Scythe.

So No CoA over use Oni Giri >>>> Wind Scythe.

Now comes CoA release Tatsumaki
-GIve Kaido white eyes
-Scream in Pain
-Cough up a lot of blood
-Gash across his body
-Have killer say he cut his scales
-Big Mom say he cut through kaido I underestimated him.

So CoA release only Tatsumaki >>>>> Normal CoA/No CoA possibly Oni Giri that did nothing to Kaido
CoA Release Dragon Blaze That cut through Onigashima Horn >>>>>>>>>> Tatsumaki which is Zoro's bottom tier attack.
Daisen Sekkai CoA release >>> Dragon Blaze as its Zoro's ultimate base attack
Ashura >>>>>>> Daisen Sekkai

So that lands Roof Top Ashura with CoA only and 30 broken bones nerfed at >>>>>>> + >>>>>>>>>> + >>> + >>>>> + >>>> Just one WInd Scythe that Luffy struggled to block and can give Luffy a cut even in joy boy sperm form.

Now we have to consider how massive of a boost CoC really is.
Luffy without CoC even with his strongest Ryou attacks can do barely any damage to Kaido
Nameless CoC Upper cut drops Kaido.

This would suggest a normal CoC signature move like CoC Oni Giri compares to Roof Top Ashura at worst. Which would make sense since King was afraid of Nameless CoC Attacks in fire form but no sold Enma Ryou release Oni Giri >>>>>> Tatsumaki which damaged Kaido >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wind scythes.

Now lets try to add it up.

Dragon Damnation >>>>>>>>>>> CoC low end move like Oni Giri>= Roof top Ashura>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wind Scythe

Dragon Damnation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> One Individual Wind Scythe that Luffy Struggles to block and can damge Luffy.

Lets say dragon damnation is only 1000 times stronger than Wind Scythe which should be low ball, Luffy ain't block and its killing Luffy.
Damn man, Ill read this later and answer you but which wind scythe are you talking about ? The one that Luffy struggled with apparently.


I will never forgive Oda
I'm really glad with the way it's formatted this cover page
I know oda a bum but that really makes it seem that it's not the vinsmokes
If oda a man the one of the next ones will have Cracker folded
I’m sure Crackers gonna be used as a hype tool. It’s gonna be suspenseful until we see Kata take the intruders on
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