Roe vs Wade Overturned?


Deleted member 10278

Lmao if a woman wants to abort that is her choice, who cares what her reasons are. You guys need to stop acting like you care about these babies. If yall cared so much go adopt a baby from an orphanage or go volunteer in one.
If the majority of the reasons for an abortion is “No reason” aka usually to just dip responsibility because I so happened to get into casual sex with 6 foot Tim from math class then that already shows a lack of maturity and foresight to make the right and sound choices to begin with. “hER cHoIcE” really?
yeah but hao what if someone gets rapped or the mother's life or health is being threatened??
Those are not the reasons why the majority of abortions take place nor did I say that abortions for medical reasons such as the life of the mother being threatened shouldn’t be put to use but those are specific cases that doctors should deal with. 90% of the time its a girl just wanting to get an abortion as a result of getting pregnant with some guy she was gonna break up with anyway. Again this is why casual sex, hooking up with some random and anything of the like should be completey avoided.
If the majority of the reasons for an abortion is “No reason” aka usually to just dip responsibility because I so happened to get into casual sex with 6 foot Tim from math class then that already shows a lack of maturity and foresight to make the right and sound choices to begin with. “hER cHoIcE” really?.
Who cares what the woman reasons are? That is none of your business dude lmao. That is her body, not yours.
Plz kill children so I don’t I have take responsibility and pay child support is your argument
Lmao, if that's the what you took my comment, you are beyond help. I'm literally saying the opposite. Idiots who support shit this better be prepared to pay child support for 18 years is what I'm saying. Most are not "prepared" for that responsibility.

This also makes it illegal for pregnant women to get abortions if this is legitimately killing them. Get raped? Can't get an abortion. Didn't know you are prone to ectopic pregnancy (thats when the fetus starts to grow in the fallopian tube)? Can't get an abortion in some places.

At any stage of pregnancy, a fetus has no conception of what being alive is. They aren't considered "alive" until actually move into the womb and start growing, which at 16-17 weeks (which of course, you shouldn't have an abortion unless the mother has a complicated pregnancy).

But yeah, sure, this is "much worse", as opposed to ruining already born children's lives who have the potential to grow up an extremely shitty life because their parents gave them up as a result of not being able to financially support them.

Educate yourself
If the majority of the reasons for an abortion is “No reason” aka usually to just dip responsibility because I so happened to get into casual sex with 6 foot Tim from math class then that already shows a lack of maturity and foresight to make the right and sound choices to begin with. “hER cHoIcE” really?

Those are not the reasons why the majority of abortions take place nor did I say that abortions for medical reasons such as the life of the mother being threatened shouldn’t be put to use but those are specific cases that doctors should deal with. 90% of the time its a girl just wanting to get an abortion as a result of getting pregnant with some guy she was gonna break up with anyway. Again this is why casual sex, hooking up with some random and anything of the like should be completey avoided.
You actually have no idea what you are talking about. Stay off social media, it's clearly affecting brain growth.


This abortion thing is like drug laws.
DrUgs EviL sO wE NeeD To BaN tHeM
Neither ends drug abuse nor protects people from its harmful effects.
Rather the opposite because consumers turn to illegal, unregulated sources that are much nore harmful.

The same will happen if they ban abortions because KiLlinG baBy eViL mUst stOp aNd pUniSh WoMaN.

Some people are so far up their own behinds and so self righteous that they 100% lost contact with reality.
The founder of planned parenthood ,Margaret Sanger, was proud racist and eugenist Sanger spoke to the women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan at a rally in New Jersey to generate support for birth control. she endorsed the Supreme Court’s 1927 decision in Buck v. Bell, which allowed states to sterilize people deemed “unfit” without their consent and sometimes without their knowledge — a ruling that led to the sterilization of tens of thousands of people in the 20th century. The first human trials of the birth control pill — a project that was Sanger’s passion later in her life — were conducted with her backing in Puerto Rico, where as many as 1,500 women were not told that the drug was experimental or that they might experience dangerous side effects.
Currently Black women disporportinately account for abortions this is not a coincidence{"colId":"Location","sort":"asc"}

Deleted member 10278

nor does anyone cares if a kid grows up to be a murderer due to lack of care
That is why it should be a committed relationship built upon foundation of clear roles and responsibilities that can be fufilled by both parents to begin with. Why is primary responsibility not being taken by the two parents anyway? Again yall are just screaming whataboutisms and preoccupying yourselves with the symptoms instead of looking at the actual disease of the hook up culture here.
Abortion should be legal. Thats her body she should make her decision about this.
Bcs if you make abortion illegal then she would born a baby she cant take care of.
If she doesnt take care of her baby then that baby is gonna grow up without love and it would become a bad person.
Do not born a baby you cant take care of.


That is why it should be a committed relationship built upon foundation of clear roles and responsibilities that can be fufilled by both parents to begin with. Why is primary responsibility not being taken by the two parents anyway? Again yall are just screaming whataboutisms and preoccupying yourselves with the symptoms instead of looking at the actual disease of the hook up culture here.
You are saying social roles that you personally dislike are a 'disease"?
You can kill children for any reason since apparently the right doesn’t care about them either
Dude, stop comparing already born children to embryos/fetuses smaller than a pea.

What you think a whole ass baby comes out of abortions? Any time actual formed fetuses are removed are usually because:

A) The fetus is dead.
B) The fetus is killing the mother, and neither will survive anyway if they are not removed.

Again, educate yourself.
This a direct quote from the founder of Planned Parenthood“
“Birth control is not contraception indiscriminately and thoughtlessly practiced. It means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks— those human weedswhich threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”​
Currently Black women overwhelmingly account for abortions this isn’t a coincidence