
I absolutely HATE this.:lawsigh:
It's like whitewashing but the opposite, but just as bad.
What is the base of racial discrimination either way. Our ancestor did it. But we got absolute no reason for doing it. We all do it cuz our ancestors did it. Out parents did it.
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im always high.
thanks for asking :pepebusi:
Being high is actually better than being drunk. Getting drunk just gives you a fuckin headache in the morning.
yeah I understand the general gist of it but the thing is if your product is good you'll bring in a new audience regardless.

Here's how I see it, if you're using a brands name you're already trying to cater to the established audience, why alienate them by going against the lore? You're throwing away your guaranteed viewers
They are dumb asf and think we will just keep consuming it bc we like lord of the rings, they don't give a fuck about the long time fans.. It has happened every time and they get the same fucking results. Most of the reason I don't give this shit legit views and pirate first and second episodes and stuff
What is the base of racial discrimination either way. Our ancestor did it. But we got absolute no reason for doing it. We all do it cuz our ancestors did it. Out parents did it.
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Being high is actually better than being drunk. Getting drunk just gives you a fuckin headache in the morning.
Racial discrinination is a highly complex issue.
Are the old / established characters in it or an all new cast that just is set in the same universe?
It's intended to bring a new audience but usually it makes the old audience pissed and new fans are nowhere near as loyal as old ones. No one will be talking about this new show even months after it finishes unlike LOTR.


I will never forgive Oda
Are the old / established characters in it or an all new cast that just is set in the same universe?
Galadriel, Sauron and Elrond half elf will be in it.

The rest are either;

a) characters from this general time period (there's a huge time crunch of about 1,000 years)
2. self insert elves, pointless characters added for love triangles, Galadriel's evil brother
They are dumb asf and think we will just keep consuming it bc we like lord of the rings, they don't give a fuck about the long time fans.. It has happened every time and they get the same fucking results. Most of the reason I don't give this shit legit views and pirate first and second episodes and stuff
Happened with star wars and he man also:josad:

They are ruining our fav franchises