Who will be the next Strawhat

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the mugiwara needing a lookout or not is not important because many times new members filled position that were not needed to be filled.
the problem with carrot is that every mugiwara needs to be the best in their job now or on EOS just like jimbe is not just a helmsman but the best helmsman and carrot has not shown any skill that makes her a very good lookout much less the best in the world.

yamato sake brewer is an interesting idea but if oda wanted that then he would have made use of it since the yamata no orochi tale has him being killed after drinking the best sake in the world and falling drunk. if oda had the intention to show yamato as that he would have used it as part of defeating orochi or kaido.
Was Brook's music shown used in defeating Moriah or was Franky's Shipbuilding shown in defeating Lucci. They were highlighted after the arc boss was defeated
yes, but the best sake is tied with a japanese tale and with the defeat of one of the main antagonists of this arc. it would be impossible for oda as a japanese guy to have plans for yamato to be the best sake brewer in the world and not use it as part of defeating orochi or kaido.
just like it would be impossible for him to have an oni in onigashima and not have a momotaro referenced character be his enemy.
yes, but the best sake is tied with a japanese tale and with the defeat of one of the main antagonists of this arc. it would be impossible for oda as a japanese guy to have plans for yamato to be the best sake brewer in the world and not use it as part of defeating orochi or kaido.
just like it would be impossible for him to have an oni in onigashima and not have a momotaro referenced character be his enemy.
Yamato's Sake would be used after Kaido's defeat where they celebrate Jinbe coming back safely and Yamato joining and Wano pledging Alliance like the Grand fleet with a Sakazuki Ceremony.
i am not saying that there would not be other chances to show it. i am saying that it makes no sense for a japanese writer to have a sake master brewer be one of the main characters of arc that has yamata no orochi as one of the main villains and not have this character breweing a super powerful sake be part of defeating the villains.
you are failing to understand the point.
i am not saying that there would not be other chances to show it. i am saying that it makes no sense for a japanese writer to have a sake master brewer be one of the main characters of arc that has yamata no orochi as one of the main villains and not have this character breweing a super powerful sake be part of defeating the villains.
you are failing to understand the point.
Did Ame no habakiri help in Bringing down Orochu then?
It just proves that it doesn't matter if someone has a role in the ship or not... Oda can just come up with a role right when someone joins...
Point taken
Ussop, we didn't know what his role was going to be until he join the strawhats. Luffy would label him as sharpshooter after shooting cannon ball against bolder.

Chopper, we knew he was the doctor from drum island. But Luffy didn't know what his role would because he just recruited him because he had cool transformation or Sanji case back up food. Nami was one who point out Chopper medical skills

Robin, we didn't what role she had until she join the strawhats. She declares herself as the archaeologist

Jimbei throughout the six years Fans were always debating what role on he would have on the crew. It wasn't until whole cake island that he really displays what it means to be helmsman. He Says the role that he was going take
For Yamato we might not know what role she currently has. Oda could create one for her if she joins the crew.
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I definitely believe there will be thirteen SHs and the alphabetic pairing of SH names.

Yamato is definitely joining as the crew's combatant and Zoro will be introduced as Shimotsuki Gyukimaru, the first mate.

Also, look out for being a common position in the pirate crews, we will be having one. That person will be worthy of joining the crew of PK and is already hinted at multiple times as someone with a penchant to stand in high places. Only Pedro's actions, capability, and past suit the role and alphabet theory.

Finally, we have the XW slot which will be taken by XDrake or Weedle, or Wiwi. I personally want Wiper to join even though he has 0 chance


Point taken
Ussop, we didn't know what his role was going to be until he join the strawhats. Luffy would label him as sharpshooter after shooting cannon ball against bolder.

Chopper, we knew he was the doctor from drum island. But Luffy didn't know what his role would because he just recruited him because he had cools transformation or Sanji case back up food. Nami was one who point out Chopper medical skills

Robin, we didn't what role she had until she join the strawhats. She declares herself as the archaeologist

Jimbei throughout the six years Fan were always debating what role on he would have on the crew. It wasn't until whole cake island that he really displays what it means to be helmsman. He Says the role that he was going take
For Yamato we might not know what role she currently has. Oda could create one for her if she joins the crew.
Early one piece :pepemotion:
Again.. (and last time)

You guyz need to understand that a spot/post on the crew can't be as simple as saying "she will be this". A post is not just a simple "place" on the crew, it's the result of the accumulation of theme and actions in the character arc and personnality of the strawhats.

You guys surely know the term "milking" as an expression. But do you guyss really understand what it means in term of storytelling ?

In storytelling, "Milking" is before everything else.. a technique. Shortly, by recontextualizing the themes of the story in different aera of the storytelling, an author will help his readers understands more clearly his vision and will create an "echo chamber" of his own themes in his own narrative thus creating a more powerful story.

I created THIS article to talk about this technique on my blog:

Concerning the post and the strawhats, the "Milking" technique applies.

A post is not just a place. It's a continuation of the theme presented by the character arc and the characterization of the character. A post isn't only here to make good crewmate, it's also here to enhance the "power" behind the different characterization and stories of the strawhats. It's the "end point" of the character, the environment in which the character will realize themself.

Thus.. The actions related to the post are linked directly to the characters. The post is basically acting as a enhancer for the theme surrounding the character.

Let's see why with some the strawhats:

ZORO - You could argue that Zoro is just a "combattant", but narratively, Zoro is much more than that: he is the "first mate/Vice Captain". The vice captain is supposed to have enough leadership to take the role as captain if necessary. In theory, they are also here to question and keep the captain straight. The fact that Zoro is the one choosed by Oda and designed for that role is not innocent. Zoro is a man driven by honor. In the crew, he is the beacon of rightness, and everything from his story to his abilities are enhanced to reaffirme that characterization: The theme of the lone Ronin, the Sword, his backstory. Everything in the story is created to test Zoro's integrity. That's why Zoro is fit for the job of Vice-captain and the compass of Luffy.

SANJI - Sanji is the cook. But he is not "just" a cook. His entire characterization is designed to make him a great cook: Sanji is characterized as one of the nicest man there is. This trait of character is what permits him to understand that you must always feed the one who is hungry. Making him amazing for the job. But the post is not only enhanced through Sanji's cahracterization, it was enhance by the entire arc Sanji was in, the designs of the characters. The concept of "being a cook" was designed to be impactfull and the need for it to be urgent. All of that made the post very relevant in term of Narration.

JINBE - Jinbe is the helmsman. At first sight, the milking of the relationship between his characterization and that post is not obvious, but a closer look is helpfull. In reality, the post is also an extension of Jinbe's characterization and narrative. Jinbe is one of the "guide" of the crew (they are 4, Zoro(Honor)/Nami(Direction)/Robin(Cap)/Jinbe(Moral)), he acts as a moral support. In a sence, Jinbe is very similar to Zoro but when Zoro's thematic is focused around Honor and Sacrifice, Jinbe's thematic is more focused around abnegation and moral and responsibilities. He is the one that will keep you in the light and in reality. This is why Jinbe is not only a helmsman litterally but also figuratively. Jinbe is the ones who observe and guide. He is the wise one and the one you can really rely on when everything is burning around you. All of this thematic is extented by the fact that Jinbe is from the abyss, he directely witnessed oppression and is guided by one thing: to help his owns.You can also add to that that the role of the helmsman was primordial during the escape of whole cake.. and you got here the perfect job for Jinbe. Making sence both narratively and in term of characterization.

Carrot is ALSO following that principle:

CARROT: Carrot is a Sentry (LookOut+Sentinel): The thematic surrounding Carrot is all about Wonder in front of the sea. In that sence everything from Carrot's design through Carrot's story arc to her characterization and her post is designed to enhance that specific theme. From the start, Oda designed Carrot as a cheerful character then went his way to make her the voice of the "new innocence" in front of the seas. Carrot is the one who is amazed by things that usually terrifies everyone, she has a vision of the sea completely restricted by her lack of knowledge, making her the best character to discover it. She is the one who will rush into the unknown, she is the one that will laugh at danger, she will always wonder about new things. Basically.. Carrot is the character that is the most fit to see the world in a new way. Carrot's vision of the sea is also the one who is the most challenged. Everything in her story is created to make her struggle and question that wonder.. but just like every strawhat.. Carrot is also build as a hero. She isn't meant to succomb to those struggles. That thematic of "wonder" is not only enhanced by her story, but also and mostly by her design and her specificity: Carrot is mink. So, during the full moon, Carrot transforms, not only as a sulong beast, but a litteral moon goddess. Her design in Sulong is meant to evoque Wonder, magic and the mystical. Carrot is Sulong, becomes the impersonnification of Wonder. Once she transforms, she is not the one who watches, she is the one who is being watched.

And like every strawhats.. her post on the crew is an extension of that theme. The duality of Carrot around the thematic of Wonder is also enhanced by the dynamic of her post. In base form, Carrot is the lookout. Passive in front of the world, she witnesses.. she wonders, she admires with Joy and cheers. But once she becomes a Sulong, Carrot becomes active, cold and playfull, she becomes the warrior, the ones the other watches, the one that creates wonders.

Carrot might not be a strong warrior, or have capacities like Viola to see beyond kilometers.. but she is definitely the character with the best qualification to be up their and be the eyes of the crew.

As you can see.. This can be done for every strawhats and their respective thematics AND with Carrot. Each strawhats's post/roles are extensions of a specific thematic.. for a good reason: Oda designed his crew to be a bunch of missfits repreenting strong values:

Honor / Pride / Kindness / Courage / Intelligence etc.. All of this does not only serv the characters, it serv the entire story of One Piece. The strawhats are representing the core values of the characters and their post are here to enhance those values.


Do you guys are starting to understand why I'm always saying that to have a post on the Sunny is VERY important in term of storytelling and you can't just "throw" a character into a role?

A role must be impactfull. It must be relevant in relationship to the characterization of the character. It must enhance the theme surrounding the character and his story.

So.. does it make sence for Yamato to become a Sake Brewer or even a combattant ? In the narration.. no.


Yamato has never been characterized as a combattant at hearth, she only fought and became strong because of circounstance. Fighting is not one of the main value of Yamato.. In fact.. fighting is not a value at all.. it does tell us anything. Being a "combattant" on the ship would be meaningless both in term of characterization and storytelling. What does it add to the story ? Nothing. It just the defaut state of a strong character in One Piece, it's nothing worth developping.

Log Keeper:

Did you ever see Yamato write or having a strong relationship to writing ? No really huh? Well that's logical, Yamato is a reader, she experiences she doesn't create. Becoming a Log keeper/storyteller COULD mean something if that aspect of Yamato was developped. If she tried - for example - to imitate Oden's log book as a child.. that would have been pretty telling.. no ?

Plus let's not forget that keeping the Log is Nami's job as a navigator. So I would love this to be the way Oda is going for.. but there are not enough evidences in the story to support that hypothesis.

Sake brewer:

Same... let's pass on the fact that being a Sake Brewer would help in NO WAY the strawhat during their journey, what would it tell us in term of storytelling ? That alhcool is important ? That yamato is somehow the bringer of Alcoohol ? Sake plays indeed a part in the story as a link between brotherly characters, but the actual stories of the strawhats, in the actual characterization of Yamato in her actual story ? Nothing... it's purelly and utterly irrelevant.

Yamato's thematic revolves around self discovery, freedom and responsibilities. In a sence, Yamato is an extension of LUFFY's thematic and right now, nothing is enhancing those themaric as a speciality for Yamato.

Don't get me wrong, I would love for Yamato to discover a passion for Ropes or Ship maintenance.. but let's be real here.. All the strong roles on the ship are being taken care of. And until further evidence and characterization of Yamato around the theme of writings.. I can't take the Log Keeper hypothesis into account.
Again.. (and last time)
i think you make great points saying a mugiwara job is the formality of their subjective place in the crew and relationships and that is very interesting.
but it does not change that oda makes every mugiwara the best of their job and he has never shown carrot has features that makes her the best lookout in the world. it does not matter if the job fit carrot character themes because if oda has not show her to be great at the job it means he has no intention for her to have that job so the case is just reading too much.
and is bad those characteristics carrot has were repeated in yamato and more consistent with her. if you ask people who is the character with the thematic of wonder and is excited to see the world nobody will remember carrot and everybody will say yamato.
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i think you make great points saying a mugiwara job is the formality of their subjective place in the crew and relationships and that is very interesting.
but it does not change that oda makes every mugiwara the best of their job and he has never shown carrot has features that makes her the best lookout in the world. it does not matter if the job fit carrot character themes because if oda has not show her to be great at the job it means he has no intention for her to have that job so the case is just reading too much.
and is bad those characteristics carrot has were repeated in yamato and more consistent with her. if you ask people who is the character with the thematic of wonder and is excited to see the world nobody will remember carrot and everybody will say yamato.
The problem is that Oda made people think that each Nakama were the best at there job in the world. That's is not true. They are just the best fit to do there jobs IN the crew. Some people are better than them, or have better capacities.

Being "the best" at a post was never an option. It's a missconception. They are just the best FIT in that specific crew for specific reasons I explained earlier.

You guys need to see the post as an extension of the character. If you don't, you won't understand why Yamato won't join the strawhats.
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The problem is that Oda made people think that each Nakama were the best at there job in the world. That's is not true. They are just the best fit to do there jobs IN the crew. Some people are better than them, or have better capacities.

Being "the best" at a post was never an option. It's a missconception. They are just the best FIT in that specific crew for specific reasons I explained earlier.

You guys need to see the post as an extension of the character. I
If we look at this post without context it is actually reasonable.
Carrot is not and will never be the most skilled personn to be at the look out post. But the post is not about being the most skilled. It's about being the most "wonderful".

THe look out is all about the notion of sight and wonders. The best look out FOR THE STRAWHATS, will never be the one who can see the farthest it's the one who will always see the world like it's the first time !

Remember, Oda wrote it out himself through Luffy and Usopp: You must be excited to be a good look out.

And there is no better personn to transport us through wonders, either by being seen.. or seeing the world.. than Carrot.
The problem is that Oda made people think that each Nakama were the best at there job in the world. That's is not true. They are just the best fit to do there jobs IN the crew. Some people are better than them, or have better capacities.

Being "the best" at a post was never an option. It's a missconception. They are just the best FIT in that specific crew for specific reasons I explained earlier.

You guys need to see the post as an extension of the character. If you don't, you won't understand why Yamato won't join the strawhats.
It's not really about whether they're the single best person in the entire world at their job. It's that they're all masters of their craft. Franky for example probably isn't as good of a shipwright/engineer as, say, Vegapunk. But he's still REALLY good at what he does.
Even the "normal" Strawahts like Usopp and Nami are still extremely good at what they do.
Nami is easily the best navigator we've seen in the series

And Usopp is easily one of the best alongside guys like Yasopp and Augur

And while archeology doesn't get that much focus outside of the Poneglyphs, Robin's still been shown to be very good at it

Same goes for Sanji's cooking, Chopper's skill at medicine, etc.

Characters need to excel at a specific task to join the crew. They can't just be "the best fit" out of anyone on the crew
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