Humans would rather nuke and murder one another then work together to gain any sort of advantage.
it's the differences between others which separates others as instead of trying to understand the opposing side or trying to reach understanding, We consistently just try to eliminate them and stop all attempts at a productive dialogue though ether shaming of those few with dissenting opinions or literally imprisoning the opposition.
You presumably live on american soil, The same soil which had native americans ether killed or enslaved. Why dont you care about that or the thousands of animal lifes which are lost as a result of deforestation? What about the homeless?
Why dont you donate to any of those causes if you care so much about life??
in 17 alone, there was 862,000 abortions. What we would do with that many kids?? the systems that we have in place just could not handle it. These kids would be orphans if they were born as they were't wanted to begin with so are you fine with having state funded orphanages for all the unwanted children that would of just been killed instead of being alone with nobody to care for them