One from Lord Melkor, Charlie or Ratchet. Tell us your reads on em.
Aye Aye Sir
I will start with basics - LM, Charlie and Ratchet are worstgen users. I didnt interact with LM at all. So no reads on him
I interacted with Charlie a bit in fruits game and he looked nice to me. I felt bad for him when he tried to push JG but no one listened to him coz of solis stupidity and game throwing. But he still tried so it makes me feel he is a good user.
Ratchet - well dude is really good at Mafia. Put lot of efforts to win so I admire his hardwork. Outside of Mafia I have never interacted with him so don't know how he is as a person. But I think he likes to stand for people whom he likes so that's good thing.
Well, only question I have in my mind is if they support ZkK or not. If they support ZKK then instantly in my league 🤷
P.S - I haven't read the thread properly so that's what I have on them. 😇