Powers & Abilities Ryuma has unquestionably the biggest hype of any character in the setting living or dead.


Lead them to paradise.
for real, ryuma's portrayal is the greatest in the series.
he basically one shotted everyone he fought, non were his equal.

roger and whitebeard fought 3 days without a victor.

kaido got defeated in less than one night by opponents weaker than him.

garp doesn't even have a single solo top tier feat.
Who are the top tiers Ryuma beat?


Unless we found out how strong the guys he beat are....

He may have beat only fodder. WG doesnt even want to attack wano because ofnthe strong samurais of orochi rofl
Ryuma recieved hype from those in wano by killing a dragon. However in the WG’s eyes it’s both Ryuma and the Samurai that prevented them from going there. Ryuma alone wasn’t the only reason.

Both Roger and Joyboy have greater achievements because they were known through out the world. And not just a small island called Wano.:goyea:
WG are literally trying to take over Wano after Kaidou's Defeat (Despite it housing those who beat Kaidou & an Army of Samurai + many notorious Pirates), but when Wano only had Ryuma alone, nah they don't dare mess with the samurai of Wano

But as i said, they are biased, they won't admit Ryuma's Hype no matter what
The wg doesn't mess with emperors, that hype doesnt put Ryuma at the top
You compare a Yonko Crew to a Single Man?
And yes WG don't mess with Yonko, but they did try to mess with Wano & still failed, that's the difference
Ryuma isn't the only samurai in wano and yonkou only have their power and influence due to the captians. This is shown with the marines not making a move on Ace because Whitebeard was protecting him and how the wg would only annex wano if Kaido lost
Ryumma? For what he cut down a dragon and safeguarded the borders of Wano? Lmao​
If you don't know the caliber of the people living in that era, then you can't reach any conclusion about his lvl.
The strongest after him might have been at Maynard's lvl for we what we know.

So no, his hype is irrelevant.
Well said, unless we have direct confirmation that these guys were on the same level than the same people of Roger's era and today, Ryuma's legend and feats mean little and are certainely not enough to put him on the same level than legens of Roger's era.
Ryuma was known as "sword god" who defended wano from outsiders, we dont know who or how strong they are, only thing u can argue is he is better then oden becasue of the black blade and being called a sword god :kayneshrug:
I have been seeing some Ryuma slander these last couple of days because "much ZKK is dead!" clowns wishing to not only discredit the Ruyma parallels between Zoro and Ruyma but also attempt to diminish what exactly it was that Ryuma did. Because everybody that has actually paid attention to the setting and lore of the One Piece world knows nobody has the hype that can even come close to this guy.

Ryuma stood against the World Government alone, and he did not only keep his country safe from falling into the WGs grubby hands or kept it from being destroyed, but he also gave Imu and his gang such a monumental ass-whooping that several hundred years after his death Akainu still keeps Kiazru from going to the island because they Navy and their government overlords are still having PTSD from the shit this man did to them.

"But Malick" some of you heretics who questions the sword gods greatness might say "we don't actually know if he fought any Top Tiers! Maybe the WG and Navy just sent fodders to Wano. Or maybe they just didn't care THAT much about the country!" and all I got to say to that is this:

Are you actually listening to what you are saying? Did you read the same Manga as I did? Watched the same show? Not only was every generation Oda revealed filled with its own various Top Tiers, but Ryuma and his deeds had to be so monumental that they kept the WG and Navy from destroying or taking over the country for hundreds of years after Ryuma had already died. Did you think Akainu hesitated to send an Admiral to that damn Island because Ryuma killed only Marine Captains and CP9 agents? That he came to be known as the sword GOD in a country world-renowned for its swordsmen because he never defeated anybody noteworthy in his life of open rebellion against the WG?

Bitch are you listening to yourself? Of COURSE this guy bodied Top Tiers!

As for the WG maybe not giving too much of a shit about Wano? Yeah I am sure they didn't care too much about the region of the world where sea stone and the Proneglphys originated from. As every One Piece reader knows those are two things neither the WG nor the navy ever really cared that much about am I right?


All I got to say to you people that wish to disregard the kind of hype that Ruyma has just cause they wish to shit on Zoro by proxy (and do not act like that isn't why you people do this) is to keep one thing in mind alright? Unlike Nika, Joyboy, or whatever character you decide to dick ride this week, Ryuma actually managed to keep his country and people alive and free from WG and Navy control for hundreds of years. So keep that in mind when you wish to use the sword god's name in vain next time okay?
Ryuma being the God of the land in the same arc that Oden was introduced is enough portrayal, he was the strongest man of his era and he made a black blade, Zoro got AdCoC before a Black Blade. :shame:
Ryuma was known as "sword god" who defended wano from outsiders, we dont know who or how strong they are, only thing u can argue is he is better then oden becasue of the black blade and being called a sword god :kayneshrug:
Oden sits with Great Pirate
Ryuma is irrelevant to the grand scheme
No yonko gives a damn about Ryuma

WG fese waging war against kaido that'd why they didn't attack
That's why Orochi could bully them in deals