General & Others How would you redo the Wano fights


I will never forgive Oda
Good read.
How would u fix vision and virus problem tho
Off the top of my head? Osume seeks out help and finds Yamato, who as a potential Nakama with ice powers, is perfect to help Sanji out and get a good first interaction between them going. Yamato cools Sanji's body off for a few panels over a Volume, eventually waking up and attributing his recuperation to the cold killing the virus and then his Germa regeneration mitigating the worst bits of damage to his vision and organs.

Bit of a cop out, but it gives Yamato something to do, lets Sanji and Yamato meet and keeps both of them from simply hanging around with slack jaws like in canon.


Lazy is the way
3 SN captains vs Kaido : No Gear 5 clown. Kai do using awakening

Zoro vs King. King using awakening

Sanji vs Queen : Queen not having Germa tech at all. Queen using his plagues lot more and having plague mode and Ice Oni mode maybe. No mouse plot. Evil Sanji could be dope but not 100% required.

Jim be vs WsW : WsW having a real long sword that he can use. WsW having a better and more original finisher than Shigan Madara….

Robin vs BM : classic one piece fight, was okay

Franky vs Sasaki : I like Franky ingenuity in the end to take out Sasaki but it’s a shame we didn’t see any new moves from Franky or black haki. I wanted at least one new shit.

Inu vs Jack : lol so many things to change. Jack hybrid …. Obviously better design. Obviously having named attack and a real on panel fight. Jack having fishmen karate and having the ability to send water bullets or water jet or pressure water. The guy is called the drought he should use the water around him to dry things. And he has a big trunk ffs.
Assuming you had to keep the same amount of screentime for every fight in Wano. What would you change for every chap to make the specific fight better.

I'll only do it for the fight I care about:

Sanji vs Queen:

1015: Keep it the same
1017: Keep it the same
1019: Have Queen slashing Sanji with a sword instead of Lazer Spam
1022: Keep it the same
1023: Have Queen use Henry Queen on Zoro and Sanji block it and have Queen introduce he has Vinsmoke powers
1028: Basically what happens in 1034, minus the Stealth Black and IJ shit. Chapter however ends the same with the Snake Mode and Exo
1029: Queen shows a new muscle mode by eating a drug and punches Sanji to the Left Brain Tower. He shows some CoA as well
1031: Basically the same, but this ends with Sanji using IJ for the first time against Queen. Queen is severly injured.
1033: Queen is shown extremely injured and goes to his final form
1034: Sanji is blinded by one of Queen's plagues, Queen's final form is basically a Plague version of his Full Zoan...but with a Short Neck. He's spewing Acidic Plagues with Lazers everywhere

Its revealed Sanji cant see due to the fumes burning his eyes. Queen starts shooting Plague lazers at Sanji. Sanji shows CoO skills and dodges. He then proceeds to use invisible speed and the rest is basically the ending of 1034....but against a Full Zoan Queen.
Sanji is now to overpowered.
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-remove the fact that yonko and top tiers can fight for days.
-remove big mom, yamato and marco from the arc.
-leave queen ice oni plotline the same.
-unfortunately leave otama's plotline the same.
-remove the flying onigashima plotline.
-luffy, law and kid vs kaido.
-zoro vs king, and give king AdvCoC.
-sanji vs queen and henchmen/mind controlled samurai, replace queen's clown aesthetics with mad scientist and make him a lot more savage and use more viruses.
-post-rooftop neko and inu vs jack.
-hawkins vs ashura doji (act 1 implications about kaido destroying oden's castle ruins).
-killer vs page one and ulti.
-keep the rest of the F6 vs straw hats the same.
-make apoo and X-drake go rogue after queen's shenanigans.
-apoo and the numbers vs x-drake, nami, ussop, and chopper.
Apo and x drake<<<<<queen
Imo two choices here
1-make r5 last longer or lately(Acoc zoro)i do understand that zoro needed to fight kaido's RHM since he always take the second stronger
2-keep the r5 until 1010 okay but make another excuse to leave luffy vs kaido without sacrificing zoro
3-nami vs bae maria but with less bounty than sasaki or the weakest TR
4-Robin and brook vs CP0 to make them have a big bounty and been a threaten to the world
5-chopper and ussop vs p1 and ulti like arabasta
6-Zoro and sanji fight last longer like Ennies l the titles with their fights were trash
1034:Sanji vs Queen
1035:Ifrit jambe
1036:Zoro vs king
1037:En-ou santoryu
For example
The rest is okay just make jack luffy's blueno
Other choice is taking out big mom her family and kid alliance(without kid,Keller,Apoo,hawkins)i wouldn't care if zoro vs kaido wouldn't happen because it would be luffy and law just give king 1.4b or give Queen 1.2b
Honestly, not much before 1010. I'm fine with the rooftop fight and what it led to, along with the other things between 1004-1008. I also wouldn't elongate or change the fights much, outside of those that barely got anything.

But essentially the arc needed 10 more chapters of fighting in specific places to make me happy:

- No BM interference with Page 1.
-The BMP (rather their elite members) join the main fights, mixing them with the F6 and Calamities
- Usopp/Nami both getting chapters in the 1015-1017 range (more a duo fight) to defeat P1 and Ulti, no direct assistance from BM. Tama still does her fight announcement thing.
- After he cures the Ice Oni virus and gets saved by Sanji, Chopper fights Daifuku 1018/1019
- Jinbe's fight can be the same, just pushed to 1020/1021
- Franky's needed more time, 1022/1023
- Robin's was good, 1024/1025
- Brook instead (after cutting down Black Maria's fodder) continued his fight against Compote or something (assuming she's a 300-400 million bounty monster). 2 chapters; 1026-1027.
- Bepo encounters Snack, fights him for a chapter in uncontrolled Sulong; 1028.
- Before Yamato fights Kaido, she fights Smoothie. Yamato being significantly strong enough to handle Smoothie without transforming would make sense, but her last attack is in hybrid. This leads to the rooftop confrontation with Kaido. 1029-1030.
- Inu and Neko legitimately get a fight sequence chapter together for Peros and Jack. The scenes in the 17 pages switch to both their fights. It would feel rushed but better than what we got; 1031.

At this point, 1032 onwards continues as normal. Basically, you push all the content from 1022 to 1032, and fill in what I mention above in those 10-11 chapters.

-1032/1033: sets up Sanji vs Queen/Zoro vs King, does the same updates for Inu/Neko, Killer, Kid/Law, Raizo, etc
- 1034/1035: Yamato/Kaido
- 1036: Luffy/Kaido clash, Inu/Neko win
- 1037 get the point, same exact structure from 1027-1049, which would be 1037-1059. We'd be at the end of the Big Mom fight.

If we got bigger Yonko battles, I wouldn't have minded either so you could give BM and Kaido their awakenings....3-4 more chapters after this max to 1062-1063.

This would have solidified a lot of what I wanted Wano to do, and i would rather have been in Wano for another half year to do it, just so it ends plotlines and gave certain characters more relevance.
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  1. Give Usopp an opponent.I really don't understand why Usopp was so unimportant in this arc.
  2. Same for Brook.
  3. More emphasis on Franky's fight, probably a huge finisher cause he deserves it.
  4. One more chapter of Sanji vs Queen with less plot convenience BS.
  5. More versatile abilities for Kid.We get it, he pummels with metal.Give him hardening at least.
  6. Let Hiyori kill Orochi, so that she doesn't end like every other female in the story that's always weak and needs a man to save them.
  7. Give us more reasons to hate Kaido, and communicate it through Luffy whose mood has been swinging left and right throughout this entire fight.
  8. Jinbe vs Jack.Both fresh.
  9. Don't treat Drake like absolute dogshit.At some point I was wondering why Oda made him a Supernova if he's just gonna shit all over him like that.
  10. More Marco because he is cool as fuck.A Marco vs Kaido interraction would be cool.
- Nami and Usopp vs Ulti and P1
Has to be completely redone. Make Usopp trick Ulti in defeating P1 like he did with Mrs. Merry Christmas and Mr. 4 in Alabasta and make Nami defeat Ulti by actually ordering Zeus to strike her instead of having Zeus on that auto pilot bullshit mode

- Franky vs Sasaki
Literally add 1 more chapter of them brawling out and it's now good

- Luffy vs Kaido/Zoro vs King/Sanji vs Queen
The M3 fights are all almost good, you don't need a lot of fixing except for making Luffy vs Kaido a couple chapters shorter, making King use his defensive mode a little longer and smarter too and making Queen just not be distracted by Osome at the end

Other fights are already good
I would have Luffy not faint all the time like an anemic kid trying to run a marathon. Just make him be KOed once to awaken g5 would be much better, and we would feel more tension after seeing him KOed.

Would have made Sanji not only win because Queen was distracted, nor would make him jump around and exaust himself like an idiot and instead make him find queen using his CoO since he supposedly specializes on that, even tough literaly anyone who uses haki in the crew has better feats than him with that, even Ussop.

Would have made Zoro vs King last longer, at least 2 chapters more.

Instead of giving multiple chapters just for Luffy's dragged out fight, i would have given more pannels for everyone else's fights, we barely got to see the flying six and Jack in action. Some SH's didnt even got an opponent.


About Sanji, I would make him either low diffing Page One with RS or struggling in base form so he would train hard those 2 week to lose hard diff to Queen and mid diff using Raid Suit. No Germa Gene bullshit.


I will never forgive Oda
Was reading the thread at work and decided I'd just shitpost a rework of Who's Who v. Jinbe. Same bad quality as before.

I'd have this be a 3 chapter fight and generally change Who's Who's motivation a little bit and fighting style. Instead of being a little contradictory with his goals on hating Luffy & Shanks, I'd have Who's Who be patiently observing Luffy and waiting for a moment to strike. Liekwise, I'd have Who's Who be a blend of Rob Lucci & Kaku. He emphasizes on aggressive and fast attacks but also very much a swordsman of sorts.

Chap. #998—Pre Fight build up

The chapter pertaining to Who's Who is very similar. Jinbe says that Luffy should carry on without him. As Luffy goes to leave the floor, Who's Who's zoan is introduced via the Tobi Roppo lunging right for the top of Luffy's head. Angling it so Who's Who's massive fangs are about to rip into Luffy's straw hat, Jinbe intercepts and reasserts that his captain has business else where. I'd drop the plotline about Who's Who recognizing Jinbe, because that didn't go anywhere. At best I'd have Who's Who make a taunting remark about how low a former Shichibukai has fallen.

Chap. #1017

As the gifters rebel and the floor is cleared for Jinbe and Who's Who to take their fight seriously, I'd have Who's Who remain in his regular form for the duration of the chapter. He unveils a full sized katana and immediately coats it in his armament haki. It's a fast paced battle with Who's Who displaying most of the rokushiki abilities, namely using Tempest Kick and Shigan with help from his katana.

Jinbe manages to block most of the attacks with his own armament haki whereas Who's Who narrowly evades Jinbe's strikes in close combat. The chapter ends with a clash of armament haki, Jinbe's foot rising, using a 7000 Brick Roundhouse Kick whereas Who's Who opts for a straight up slash with his katana.

The last bit of dialogue in the chapter is Jinbe remarking that he heard stories of a rogue Cipher Pol agent years ago and Who's Who sniggering, saying he's honored that a man such as Jinbe knows about him.

Chap. #1018

Who's Who transforms into his hybrid state as the chapter begins, surprising Jinbe with his newfound speed and physical prowess. Using Soru, Who's Who outmaneuvers Jinbe, sending a powerful slash across his side before kicking him across the 4th Floor venue. Attempting to counter his opponent, Jinbe fires off a Shark Tile True Punch but the attack is dodged with ease by the former Cipher Pol Agent and he sends a barrage of fang shigan at the former Shichibukai.

Evading most of the fang shigan attacks, Jinbe is hit and the attack pierces his haki, drawing even more of the fishman's blood. Making use of the resource, Jinbe uses his bleeding wounds as ammunition and sends the blood out as bullets with Water Shot. Who's Who senses the blood bullets coming his way and remarkably is able to evade them, leading to the former Cipher Pol agent going deeper into his backstory.

He explains that he was known as Who of the Droplet once, his speed was so legendary that he could boast of running through a rain storm without getting wet. If it wasn't for Redhair Shanks stealing the Gumo Gumo no mi, he wouldn't of been imprisoned for his failures and his career would've outshined even the prodigy Rob Lucci.

Admist this exposition, both characters keep up a high pace battle with Who's Who pressing his assault and Jinbe firing off more Water Shot bullets.

Jinbe retaliates, saying he's heard of such an agent, but the rumors that made their way to him were remarkably different. He's been told that the failed Cipher Pol 9 agent from years ago wasn't imprisoned, but made into a slave as an example of the cost of failure. Likewise he points out that the tattoo on Who's Who's chest is very similar to the tattoo's the Sun Pirates wear proudly.

Who’s Who snaps and sends his own stronger variation of Tempest kick at Jinbe. The chapter ends with Jinbe being slammed into a wall, where several pipes burst and water trickles on a bloodied Jinbe.

Chap. #1019—Finale

The chapter begins with Jinbe lecturing Who’s Who on his misplaced shame and hatred, stating that the mark on his chest doesn’t define him. Who’s Who rebukes this and shows a clear complex about being turned into a slave and worse (for him)—made equal to fishman. A dark sheen covers Jinbe’s face as the fight resumes.

It’s taken a more vicious route as Whos Who drags his leg back before unleashing the variant on Tempest Kick again—Typhoon Kick—a series of powerful Temptest Kicks sent out at the same time. Matching it with the existing water, Jinbe cancels the kick out with Pack of Sharks, causing water to spray all over the 4th floor venue.

The Tobi Roppo officer explains the only reason he's dragged this fight on long enough is so that Jinbe can explain the true meaning of the Sun God Nika to him. He explains that the Fishman slaves he was with alongside a lone guard mentioned the Sun God as his only hope for salvation, only for all of them to be disappeared shortly thereafter.

During the talk, both opponents throw their moves at one another. Jinbe is hit again with a fang shigan whereas Who's Who is struck several times by water bullets made of genuine water instead of Jinbe's own blood.

As per cannon, Jinbe asks what that has to do with him and Who's Who outright says Fishman History is one of slaves, so the captain of the Sun Pirates should be well versed in the story. Who's Who strikes Jinbe with his katana, only for Jinbe to catch it with his hardened palms and hold it in place, a dark look in his eyes.

Reading the shift in his opponent, Who's Who activates a hidden mechanism in his sword and detaches the shaft until all that's left is a little dagger. Who's Who sends countless shigans at Jinbe with the dagger, all at point blank range only for the Fishman to endure the assault and fires off a Spear Wave at Who's Who. The attack lands and Jinbe follows up with a Ebb Tide Lifter, slamming Who's Who around the 4th Floor and causing the zoan significant pain.

Fed up with the Fishman, Who's Who moves in to finish the former Shichibukai off in a single blow.

The fight ends with Who’s Who growing out his fangs to ridiculous degrees—his special zoan technique—and using Soru to deliver a hardened shigan with his new fangs. Jinbe overpowers the attack with vagabond drill, slamming into Who’s Whos face, breaking his fangs and mask.

Bloodied and face partially revealed, Who’s Who is unconscious in a bloody heap as Jinbe pontificates that the stories passed down by Fishman aren’t for those who mask their shame in blind hate.
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