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But Kaido is a generic "i'm so strong bad guy".
Nothing wrong with that, I actually think he works well like that. Just like Crocodile worked really well just being some bad guy that wanted some powerful weapon to take over the world bla bla bla, imo.
For being the overreaching antagonist of a saga this long it isn't unexpected for us to ask more from his character.

Don't get me wrong - I'm a Kaido fanboy through and through, from the moment he was introduced, but I still expected more depth to him idk.
Not an achievement considering how random the solution was
Hiyori back to poor princess waiting to be saved, and Denjiro jump in out of nowhere
Momo just randomly shouts and farts came out, I would’ve take a cliché flashback powerup
The stuff feels incredibly unsatisying conclusion for Hiyori. But for Denjiro it was phenomenal. I guess you can’t have both ways.


Talent is something you make bloom.
For being the overreaching antagonist of a saga this long it isn't unexpected for us to ask more from his character.

Don't get me wrong - I'm a Kaido fanboy through and through, from the moment he was introduced, but I still expected more depth to him idk.
I understand, but I view him more like a Thanos.
Hyped for a long time, then some generic stupid evil plan.
I've always liked the comparisons I saw that put Kaido and Wolverine from X-Men side by side
It'd have been cool to see Kaido in his flashback being used as a weapon of mass destruction by different people but finally finding a real "family" to stay with in the Rocks pirates (kinda like how also Logan found a place to stay in with Xavier and his school for mutants)
I've always liked the comparisons I saw that put Kaido and Wolverine from X-Men side by side
It'd have been cool to see Kaido in his flashback being used as a weapon of mass destruction by different people but finally finding a real "family" to stay with in the Rocks pirates (kinda like how also Logan found a place to stay in with Xavier and his school for mutants)
That would have been kinda cool, ngl
I think Kaido's survival of the fittest ideology is fine and fits perfectly with the "world strongest creature" thing.
Imo the problem iis that during the first two acts Oda had Kaido take a backseat, basically having him wait in his mansion drinking while Orochi was doing all the vile stuff. The thing is that it made Kaido feels less involved than other villains like Crocodile in the arc plot as if he was just a video game boss waiting to get beaten by the MC.

Basically Orochi was a mistake
Also BM shouldnt have been in the arc
I think Kaido's survival of the fittest ideology is fine and fits perfectly with the "world strongest creature" thing.
Imo the problem iis that during the first two acts Oda had Kaido take a backseat, basically having him wait in his mansion drinking while Orochi was doing all the vile stuff. The thing is that it made Kaido feels less involved than other villains like Crocodile in the arc plot as if he was just a video game boss waiting to get beaten by the MC.

Basically Orochi was a mistake
Also BM shouldnt have been in the arc
Orochi and Kaido work really well as a villain duo IMO
Oda should've simply fleshed out Kaido's past as much as he did with Orochi
I think Kaido's survival of the fittest ideology is fine and fits perfectly with the "world strongest creature" thing.
Imo the problem iis that during the first two acts Oda had Kaido take a backseat, basically having him wait in his mansion drinking while Orochi was doing all the vile stuff. The thing is that it made Kaido feels less involved than other villains like Crocodile in the arc plot as if he was just a video game boss waiting to get beaten by the MC.

Basically Orochi was a mistake
Also BM shouldnt have been in the arc
Honestly, this might be the closest explanation for all of the "kaido not a great villain" posts.
He appeared once in Bakura(?) town beat Luffy and then only appeared sporadically (when BM arrives, when they fight) and then again in Oden's flashback.

Opinion: Oda could have reused a scene from Alabasta where Croc is meeting with his agents before Operation Utopia, but reuse for Kaido and the Flying Six+All Stars.
It would have given us a chapter full of their interactions, flashed out their dynamic and could have given the F6 time to breathe as characters before fighting the SHs
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