Break Week Some things never change


Zoro Worshipper
Zoro & Sanji opponents are close in strength while Luffy’s is far stronger
Bounties are not solid strenght indicators in the grand basket of occasions.

Actions, influence, caliber that doesn't have to do with strenght. As you see there are a multimyriad of factors to account but strenght is usually not considered a prominent one by the Government.
Bounties are not solid strenght indicators in the grand basket of occasions.

Actions, influence, caliber that doesn't have to do with strenght. As you see there are a multimyriad of factors to account but strenght is usually not considered a prominent one by the Government.
Kaidou, Big Mom and Shanks all got their bounties for not inviting Sengoku to their birthday parties.


Zoro Worshipper
well clearly they "didn't get it for their strength", despite being the strongest characters in the verse.
This is a shounen battle manga, everything is determined by strength...
Explain how Jack and Katakuri enrolled similar bounties and how Zoro's bounty is similar to Luffy's Pre Skip One when Post Skip starts.



Zoro Worshipper
Zoro's real bounty is that he'll get after wano arc.

undervalued bounties are only a issue in the SH crew
That doesn't take anything away from my point though, it's ridiculous to imply he was Pre TS Luffy level according to that conflated logic presented here

Only Luffy and Zoro's matchups were destroyed. :suresure:
CP-9 vs CP-0. :suresure:

You're obsessed with making Luffy look weaker than Lanji. :suresure:
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And here comes the mental gymnastics of zorotards trying to justify king being far stronger and close to kaido.
They just need to remind you that Lanji got raped by Vergo and Dofla, couldn't even move Doflamingo with his strongest moves while Zoro pushed back an Admiral with a flying slash, more than this is overkill. :steef: