Did Luffy Beat Kaido Fairly?

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Lmao, if it isn't BM you guys are more in trouble than before. Bm didn't tank Magma for several minutes and Kaido just fell into the Lava pit and seconds later the explosion happened which very likely catapulted him out of Wano to sea so if Kaido is actually damaged by 20 seconds of being submerged with Magma you have nothing to cope with.

Besides, even if they survived 5-10 min of regular Magma it's not a feat considering how Oden tanked the same heat for an hour with inferior durability.

Either way you guys lose lmao @Shiroyru
Oden tanked boiling water you fool


World's Strongest Swordsman
Wasn't that supposed to me that the winner have no excuse? and only the losers do?
Nope. The people who have had real clean victories were not given their epithets in the box.

Meanwhile the ones who have had questionable wins or not even wins in the end like kaido had

If oda thought it was a real w for luffy it'd just say luffy
At least he didn't die, got a power came from nowhere and took multiples L unlike someone.
A paramecia becoming a zoan after an awakening :gokulaugh:

GOt a power out of nowhere? Technically Mink roids gave him strength out of nowhere. lol

Took multiple L,

1. He became Mummy
2. He let Gyukimaru take Shisui (when sword is the most precious thing for swordsman)
3. He passed out against Killer.

So what now? lol
Simple doffy would have beat luffy without law and warriors help. Remember 10min break ?

Post skip zoro was the same as rooftop zoro since he didn't master enma. So yeah.
Doffy would low diff Zoro in Dressrosa just like he did to Sanji.

Stop being fucking delusional. Zoro was and never will be on Luffy's level. His point of comparison is Sanji.
Nope. The people who have had real clean victories were not given their epithets in the box.

Meanwhile the ones who have had questionable wins or not even wins in the end like kaido had

If oda thought it was a real w for luffy it'd just say luffy
its because they beat the top tiers in the verse and makes it seem more impactful
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