He spent hours on Bartolomeo and Cavendish and they didn't join the crew
They just had to be fun characters, which they were.
Bad take, Bartho and Cavendish are not background character, they served a bigger purpose: being captains of the strawhat grandfleet, and bonded to come back later.
You talk about Carrot's "mythos" yet she had less of that than either of them did
Wrong. When those character are indeed important for the story, their mythos is not that deep and their characterization rather flat.
Carrot on the other hand has a subtle characterization, multiple type of interactions, a lot of symbolims and a transformation. The treatment of carrot is on a completely other level.
Carrot doesn't need a 'strong' reason to justify the time spent on her.
Yes she do, but I guess you need to be an author to understand that.
1. You said Luffy, not Chopper
I talked about Chopper and Luffy.
2. Chopper's gags were with Carrot. They were her gags too
Yup but I talked about Chopper and Luffy. Read again.
Really in which panel 👀? I never know it was like the same thing with the sanji and luffy WCI without Yamato momo can't be the Shogun of Wano 😰
The "I figured you would take me on your ship" is a subversion dialogue which indicate that Yamato won't join. This is the panel you are looking for. ;)
And yes the minks weren't being hunted by slave owners
I guess you need to reread Saboady then, you missed a thing mate.
Yeah calling it that because that one panel has you carrot fans surprised that you have to go research to help y'all to denied it
No need to make researchs. That panel is a subversion dialogue. It's very simple. Only blind Yamato stan don't understand this ;)