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I don't think it makes sense for her to say fuck it I am going to invade Elbaf if she hadn't done it in years. I think her being defeated in Wano could be the trigger for that
Yeah Elbaf def can't be invaded just like that otherwise Kaido/BM or WG would have done long ago, instead they had to find rundabout ways through CP0 to buy giants to join marines.

I always thought Big Mom being part of Wano was inevitable, and I actually always hoped other supernovas take her out not leaving everything to Luffy, however the Olin shit was garbage, her code of honor is garbage (plot device)
I don't think it makes sense for her to say fuck it I am going to invade Elbaf if she hadn't done it in years. I think her being defeated in Wano could be the trigger for that
While I agree to some extent, Oda could have found a way around that. Maybe she knows that Shanks has the last poneglyph (the one from Fishman Island) and that it's hiding in Elbaf, and Luffy's rise to power is the trigger that prompts her to ambush him at Elbaf and everything unfolds.

You know, she gets humiliated by him in WCI, prepares to destroy him and in the span of 2-3 weeks (the whole duration of Wano), she goes to Elbaf and waits for him.

In that timeline, Luffy doesn't fucking defeat Kaido by getting 3 asspull power-ups and dealing the most damage 1 on 1, so another Emperor at full health would STILL be a challenge.
Yeah Elbaf def can't be invaded just like that otherwise Kaido/BM or WG would have done long ago, instead they had to find rundabout ways through CP0 to buy giants to join marines.

I always thought Big Mom being part of Wano was inevitable, and I actually always hoped other supernovas take her out not leaving everything to Luffy, however the Olin shit was garbage, her code of honor is garbage (plot device)
Her being defeated here makes sense since Wano is the climax of the Yonko saga. It's just the execution was absolutely trash.

Big Mom being in Wano isn't the problem when millions of people can write a better story for her than what Oda did


Why have we still not seen it dfkm. Who would she even use that power again
Don't really know. :josad:
She has snow attack
Fire attack
Rain attack
Thunder attack
Wind attack
Can create sky island (milky cloud)
Clima-tact can stretch and behave like rubber.

This is so bad. But Oda isn't doing much.
- Have her land in Onigashima
- She demands to see Kaido.
- Fodder call all calamities to Onigashima, Queen leaves
- Kaido arrives at Onigashima and sees her eating with all calamities on guard

Way better than the stupid amnesia plot
This is a very nice option as well.

Instead of the fucking King drops his ship and then Big Mom spends a whole week on Onigashima with Kaido and she DOES NOTHING ABOUT HER KIDS.

Gorosei Informer

I’m too cheap to walk into main town rn to Nando’s so getting the cheap option

Honestly I love Nandos but it is pricey especially for what you get! Its great after a while/long time, you really appreciate it more but a place nears me does such amazing freaking value and a good imitation of Nandos for much better price and portions! Local, independent businesses ftw!
Honestly I love Nandos but it is pricey especially for what you get! Its great after a while/long time, you really appreciate it more but a place nears me does such amazing freaking value and a good imitation of Nandos for much better price and portions! Local, independent businesses ftw!
Lmao you do it as well. The imitation Nando’s that around everywhere are actually really good.
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