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I'm little iffy on Joygirl she absorbed a cult role. There was another convert wu a while back👀

But i guess Doom and Magneto are priority rn. By PoE it is between Blue, Charlie and Ripped Cal, Zolo now.

Blue claimed Protections so there's a match. Charlie soul got stolen, there was indeed a wu Mephisto stole a role and person can't hint or claim it anymore.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
nana shud be okay yea
reborn leaning okayish

its cal - mephis
blue - doom

michele might have been janitored scum
chalrie - some sort of scum
zolo - some sort of scum

game technicslly solved no?
whose left
I'm little iffy on Joygirl she absorbed a cult role. There was another convert wu a while back👀

But i guess Doom and Magneto are priority rn. By PoE it is between Blue, Charlie and Ripped Cal, Zolo now.

Blue claimed Protections so there's a match. Charlie soul got stolen, there was indeed a wu Mephisto stole a role and person can't hint or claim it anymore.
There was also a WU implying Mephis has stolen Green Goblin's role.
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