General Mafia General Chat

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
Yeah. That was fun :optimistic:.
Yes it was

And we had Lanji nuking channels left and right :shocking:

It gets repetitive fastly

Nf bet when??
After you you play it once, it loses its magic and gets repetitive. Still it was a good run :catsweat:

Oh damn completely forgot about it.

If I appear in the OL Convo I'll have Shanks, Mickey Mouse and Dev giving me a warm welcome hopefully :catblush:

And Redline. How could I forget him lol


This forum is retarded.
:kobeha: a big no.

I was briefly on the OJ discord after the forum went down and using it was a total mess.
The format was unreadable, the page would always switch and zoom by itself.
It was unusable
Then your phone was shit, also the OJ discord aint the most well structured one.