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I also didn’t bother hitting easier targets like wakanda or hime or other inactives wary game cause I was trying to get town to waste their killshots on them like how I made hime shoot tobi hahh classic.

even in our scum chat I had worst as a main person I wanted to kill early game and turns out he’s the reason the remaining players won. 🤷🏻‍♂️
@Joygirl @hime @Yo Tan Wa @SoulKiller @Zolo @QueenEmilia @Reborn

i have nothing against u guys lol. i was a survivor and could win with you. but that was boring lol

i asked aries to drop my ability to win with town and join doom instead to help keep mafia in the game. just to neutralize it more

i wanted to help the losing side and prolong the game to awaken galactus

just playing for fun. i hope u guys dont take any offense to it. i was an indie who was a vampire. i really dont owe town anything lmao. i get to do what i want

winning with town wud be boring. im sure u understand my reasoning here. you shud be happy i made the game more challenging for town by adding an extra layer of chaos.

town played good. there is no denying that. wp every1
No worries Ekko once i knew ya intended to join Doom i kept nothing against ya. But as town if ya killed SK,, well ya dodged a bullet:milaugh:


I would have been killed at some point either way. If I didn't town side, some townie would have done it because "Indies can't be trusted".
that’s your first mistake was openly claiming d0 for no reason tbh in the end the person who got you killed was yourself you opened yourself up to these thoughts and then decided to scum hunt after telling me you won’t give reads or really play to towns wincon.


What could have been...
Rng made it a draw the first match and then I lost the rng. The rng giveth and it always taketh away GG everyone. I'll like to say the Galactus mechanic was based on a gag from my Dragonball game where I had Beerus sleeping. Beerus would never fully reach 100% it was just a funny gag and used to hakai/modkill players at times. I decided this game would be the perfect chance to implement it with Galactus tho I wasn't sure the game would have lasted before he would get to appear.

Silver Surfer died to quick and thus the dark Phoenix role was created as back up. Unfortunately flowa really wanted to take out Galactus with her amp and she lost to the rng fastening the process even more. At that point in time the Galactus mechanic had to much steam behind it. The game was either ending with a Galactus game eating, ensuring a Ratchet Victory or a Survivors ending since the amp flowa got was never fully used.

Still it was a good game for what it's worth, you guys played really spectacular. No shame in victory or defeat. You guys made this game very memorable..thank you for playing. don't expect a Galactus mechanic in my next game. You guys got off easily :beckmoji:
could i have amped myself to take over @Ratchet 's goal and awaken galactus

btw ratchet can u share ur role pls lol


that’s your first mistake was openly claiming d0 for no reason tbh in the end the person who got you killed was yourself you opened yourself up to these thoughts and then decided to scum hunt after telling me you won’t give reads or really play to towns wincon.
yeah when he tried to unjanitor our kill he had to go since we needed the iceman role


What could have been...
Yeah it had to be him.

Thanks for the game @Ariess and valuable efforts to @Kagurashii. Looking fwd to playing more of your chaotic games, more chilled than this time ofcrs🍷

@SoulKiller I'd want to be masons with ya again in future. Thanks for carrying me and my actions when i was not motivated to gamesolve and play.

And apologises to @everyone i believe i may have come out rude to some of you during our discussions. I was pissed over the color thing since start so my tone was probably on aggressive side this game even when i believed i was being my natural self.

Also apologies to ya @Fujishiro my man, my r comment on your color argument thing was provoking from my side as well.
I will try to work on my reactions to being sussed on even when i believe they are for wrong reasons.

GG to all the winners. Joygirl you did very nice actually but as friendly advise ofcrs us are same on reactions to being sussed. Try to see it positively and yes Indies are to be not trusted!

@Ekkologix haha ya made a iconic record playing all roles this game. I'm jealous and going to take my sweet revenge on cult player next game for not turning me their side.
we actually targered you and not emilia
it failed on you

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