Break Week Yamato joining is a win-win for Sanji fans

Almost used her DF against 472 mil Sasaki.

Completely embarassed Whos Who, who has highest bounty among F6, without water around.

Having water for Jinbe is equivalent to using hybrid form for Yamao, so do the math. @MonsterKaido
You just love taking L's don't you.

You're ignoring the fact she was protecting Momo and Shinobu at the same time.

You're hatred for Yamato will ruin you when she joins the crew :milaugh:
Tbh exo Sanji is looking pretty hax, Bleach character level. His bones were broken but suddenly they regenerated fast like Arrancar. Then when Queen swings the blade to him and the blade instantly broke. Sure Queen isn't a proper swordsman, but still he has good raw physical strength.

Pre exo, no doubt Sanji was below Jinbe / Yamao. But right now it is debatable.
It is no debatable in the slightest.

sanji shares the same exoskeleton like his siblings. It is no more hax than theirs when he got hurt from bullets.
The reason Sanji popped his bones back was because that was when the exoskeleton transformation finalized.
They have iron/steel skin so breaking a sword is not impressive.
Sanji never loses his fucking place. Yall clowns just pretend he has. People did it for robin and franky and Jinbei when they joined.

None of them were above him when they joined. Only clown zboys believed sanji would be surpassed by a new underling.
Did you even read what I put? Stop being sensitive. Yamato's got better feats than Sanji currently but Sanji is going to be stronger eventually.
Saying sanji will surpass yamato is one thing but saying current sanji above yamato because of muh dynamic is idiotic lol

It's clear as day by feats yamato > current sanji

Also you want to talk about dynamic? Oden > labban who Oda didn't even bother to do anything in this story


Like when they said jimbei kicked sanji out of monster trio. More like kicked brook out of the middle trio.
