What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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> __**Unresolved/Abandoned Plot Threads:**__
> -Kokeshi dolls/poneglyph mystery.
> -Nidai Kitetsu.
> -Hitetsu's identity and conformation on the man he was waiting for (probably just Toki's prophecy).
> -Tama's promise with Ace.
> -The guy in wano clothing drinking with Crocus.
> -Brainwashing of children in flower capitol.
> -Why Wano was called the Land of Gold.
> -Zoro getting revenge for Yasuie.
> -Any real character development coming from Zoro's new heritage.
> -Any character development for Kid. For a guy who just beat a Yonko he seems like a fairly flat character
> with no role going forward.
> -Queen vs. Who's-Who (Five different mentions of them wanting to kill each other with no resolution.)
> -Any point in Apoo or the Numbers existence.
> -Numbers Yamato is friends with looking so similar to the Daimyo from her past.
> -Yamato character arc in general. Her last exchange with Kaido is literally a cliffhanger of Kaido yelling
> about her fate as an Oni.
> -Onis.
> -Why Kaido and the Beast Pirates refer to Yamato as a he. I'm pretty sure it isn't because of how
> progressive they are.
> -Yamato's mother and why she was called "oni princess" (no one refers to Kaido as a king/royalty).
> -Just Carrot in general. She's been a complete non-factor in the arc despite her one moment of focus
> being a scene which basically forces her to continue adventuring instead of going back to Zou.
> -Whatever name Onigashima used to go by (according to Marco) and what the hell it is.
> -Basil Hawkins ability to let people/himself fight beyond their natural limit mentioned in act 1 was never
> used. Spoilers for the chapter don't really line up with how hawkins acts in the fight vs. Killer or before the fight.

> His ability is literally to use people as a shield and protect himself.
literally all irrelevant plotlines lmao
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