What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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There's not many emperor candidates
Luffy already has the title atleast publicly
Buggy hasn't had set up for that quite yet
Mihawk definitely has the strength to compete but doesn't have a crew and really I doubt that he offscreend an admiral or something to warrant being given that title now
Also I don't think he has the ambition to climb the pirate world

Kidd and law obviously lol

Maybe boa but idk the momentum doesn't seem on her side

Abd then u have the likes of katakuri etc
But thar would be unwarranted in my opinion

But every other top tier that's around are either admirals or dragon who's not a pirate
:suresure:When you know zoro didn't get compared to Ryuma and Oden as monster samurai nor hero of wano

You now coping hard thinking the statement proves eos zoro = eos Luffy or ryuma = joyboy

Just sit down and learn from people who actually understand OP better than you clowns who thought zoro will lead samurai, be Oden 2.0, have black blade, kill kaido, outshine luffy, Kid and law.
-Kaido and BM confirmed defeated
-Luffy is the savior who defeated the Dragon and is being compared to Ryuma
-Shinigami plot was just Zoro wet tsundere dream about Sanji
-Yamato pratically confirmed joining
-Robin wasnt show to make for drama, but most likely she is with the poneglyphs

next chapter bounties and the SH leave Wano, Very hyped

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
"Citizens: have you guys heard about the guy that brought down Kaido?
Yep the warrior with the name “Joy Boy”!!!
Though I heard that he’s no longer in this country..!!
Man I wish I could meet him..A hero that rivals the Sword God!"

Any other delusional Zoro fans out there think this means we're still getting ZKK? LOL
:suresure:When you know zoro didn't get compared to Ryuma and Oden as monster samurai nor hero of wano

You now coping hard thinking the statement proves eos zoro = eos Luffy or ryuma = joyboy

Just sit down and learn from people who actually understand OP better than you clowns who thought zoro will lead samurai, be Oden 2.0, have black blade, kill kaido, outshine luffy, Kid and law.
Mihawk > ryuma = joyboy > roger
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