Is proposing in public sweet or cringe?


The only one who can beat me is me
Lmao why would anyone want to put a ring on a girl that was 1 private proposal away from possibly rejecting them. If fear of rejection is the reason you chose a public proposal you might as well pick up that shovel and start digging a nice comfy grave for yourself, you're a whole ass goofy.
I think private is more romantic, you can choose tropical resort or some villa at mountain top whatever. Afterall you propose and give the ring and then you can get your girl to slurp your own ring away right after. Cant do that kind of romance in public.
I guess depends on the public and the person you are proposing...In the end, all comes down to what seems normal and doesn't.
Like other person doesn't like/reject => Cringe
Public gets uncomfortable => Cringe
Though if you don't care about others...and already know about other persons reactions...then it would be fine.

I would definitely be more private...I don't want others to know I guess.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
As someone who recently proposed, I ruled out the public option pretty early on in the thought process; even if it’s not cringe, it adds undue pressure on the proposee, and it’s almost always cringe regardless if you make a spectacle of the whole thing. I think doing it in front of people you know, friends and family, that’s a really nice choice, but why include random strangers who are just trying to enjoy their own time at the restaurant/park/dental office??
As someone who recently proposed, I ruled out the public option pretty early on in the thought process; even if it’s not cringe, it adds undue pressure on the proposee, and it’s almost always cringe regardless if you make a spectacle of the whole thing. I think doing it in front of people you know, friends and family, that’s a really nice choice, but why include random strangers who are just trying to enjoy their own time at the restaurant/park/dental office??
Taking the big leap!:steef:

You become an Old Gen then :seriously:
If you already be with her for sometimes means you know her well enough. You normally can tell if she wants to have a familly with you or not, unless you are too ignorant and such a dumbass. If you're sure that she wants to be with you, she will say yes regardless where an how you make the proposal. If you aren't sure, do not even think of proposing or you'll have to learn a lesson in a very hard way.


Holy Simp
"Cringe" is a new age term that means to mock everything that is sweet or humanly imperfect.
OT: Its actually sweet, on paper and literaturewise, but well, internet will disagree cuz they think they know better.


Zoro Worshipper
"Cringe" is a new age term that means to mock everything that is sweet or humanly imperfect.
OT: Its actually sweet, on paper and literaturewise, but well, internet will disagree cuz they think they know better.
There are tiers of cringe though :handsup:
Imo it’s just straight up embarrassing even with your answer is a Yes, this still embarrassing cuz many people will watch both of you even until you leave the place or some will probably come up to you and start to talk about this stuffs 🤡
Thank god my fiancé didn’t do this, it was just us both alone 😌

Gorosei Informer

Cringe infinity especially if you get rejected and even more especially so if its a one of those ridiculously over the top, tryhard proposals too.

Also you're putting the proposee under immense social pressure to say yes when in front of others, especially if its a big group of people/in public.

*edit* I just noticed I echoed the same points already posted here, whoops.