Who will be the next Strawhat

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Soon ya'll I say with a heavy heart I'll be retiring from the next nakama thread.

Now Yamato is guaranteed to join I no longer see my services needed here I've enjoyed making the Larrot fans into a meme destroying @CarrotForNakama essays and delusions but I've enjoyed getting to know @Pot Goblin you are a sane one


@Jew D. Boy @Sigran101 @thedarkdragon11 and many more Yamato allies we have won the war I will be with you for one more celebration when Yamato has the official toast but I will no longer be engaging in next crew member even though I doubt there will be anymore but even if there is any more debate I have retired

Signing off the debates


She cried because of Momo... She should experience life under Momo's administration...

There is no path on the sea for Carrot beyond the strawhats.

Well that’s what oda’s not doing at the moment the opposite so you might have to be open to the possibility of her ether being an explorer or staying on wano to help momo.

It's not about importance, it's about relevancy.
Ok those small shots of her aren’t relevant to anything your just scrap and pealing any panel she’s in to analy

When something is odd, it has to be explained. And Carrot's treatment is Odd in whole cake (and in wano)

ok her not having enough dialogue/ kinda being in the background

Well wano’s ending and I think his explanation on why he treats carrots the way she was ether answered off screen piece by piece or is going to be on the next cover story

THis wasn't in my theory

This wasn't in my theory.

You are inventing things. Those were simple guess. THe theory is strong don't worry.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Soon ya'll I say with a heavy heart I'll be retiring from the next nakama thread.

Now Yamato is guaranteed to join I no longer see my services needed here I've enjoyed making the Larrot fans into a meme destroying @CarrotForNakama essays and delusions but I've enjoyed getting to know @Pot Goblin you are a sane one


@Jew D. Boy @Sigran101 @thedarkdragon11 and many more Yamato allies we have won the war I will be with you for one more celebration when Yamato has the official toast but I will no longer be engaging in next crew member even though I doubt there will be anymore but even if there is any more debate I have retired

Signing off the debates


Soon ya'll I say with a heavy heart I'll be retiring from the next nakama thread.

Now Yamato is guaranteed to join I no longer see my services needed here I've enjoyed making the Larrot fans into a meme destroying @CarrotForNakama essays and delusions but I've enjoyed getting to know @Pot Goblin you are a sane one


@Jew D. Boy @Sigran101 @thedarkdragon11 and many more Yamato allies we have won the war I will be with you for one more celebration when Yamato has the official toast but I will no longer be engaging in next crew member even though I doubt there will be anymore but even if there is any more debate I have retired

Signing off the debates


I like Yamato. But she is not Nakama's material, Carrot has a better interaction with all the crew. Is enough strong to keep in the day with the mugiwaras but not at the point to destroy the "armony" in the power position in the members. She has good interactions with all the members, has a femenine personality that let her been very comfrotable with Nami and Robin, is sweet and cute so she can be with characters like Chopper or have some funny interactions with Sanji, is enough strong to defend herself and other members, is enough goofy to join to Luffy's stupid moments.

She also can have a rol in the crew! As a Mink, she can represent her race. I mean, Pedro wants to join to the crew of the PK, but he was so young in that moment. Carrot could inherit his dream and travel for the world to the One Piece and continue with the crew even after that.

I mean, Yamato don't have this versatility as character. Of course, maybe she can be in the ship but... I don't feel her as a Strawhat.
I like Yamato. But she is not Nakama's material, Carrot has a better interaction with all the crew. Is enough strong to keep in the day with the mugiwaras but not at the point to destroy the "armony" in the power position in the members. She has good interactions with all the members, has a femenine personality that let her been very comfrotable with Nami and Robin, is sweet and cute so she can be with characters like Chopper or have some funny interactions with Sanji, is enough strong to defend herself and other members, is enough goofy to join to Luffy's stupid moments.

She also can have a rol in the crew! As a Mink, she can represent her race. I mean, Pedro wants to join to the crew of the PK, but he was so young in that moment. Carrot could inherit his dream and travel for the world to the One Piece and continue with the crew even after that.

I mean, Yamato don't have this versatility as character. Of course, maybe she can be in the ship but... I don't feel her as a Strawhat.
Won't join
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