Who will be the next Strawhat

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This was a battle to avenge Oden and liberate Wano, where all the minks and samurai came together to participate. Was Luffy supposed to just chuck her off his ship before the raid? They had no choice but to bring her along, because this was by extension her fight too.

The issue is that as soon as she branched from the crew, she goes against the man she perceived as Pedro's killer. And loses nearly getting herself killed. Only to get bailed by Neko, and makes no attempt to rejoin the fight.

This is different going forward because the enemies going forward are going to be grand in size and much stronger. What does Carrot have to beat an titanic captain? What does she have to deal with a vice admiral or even a commodore? Perospero more or less scales with these guys and she got her butt whopped in a 2v1. It's too much for her and Luffy would know that.

This isn't kid stuff anymore. This is endgame.
I guess you have a point there with the context, but I'll continue to challenge you with what you're saying about Luffy. You're putting too too much weight on strength as Luffy deciding factor to allow someone to sail along. Luffy is a hard guy to fully grasp. Do you think luffy would say no?

Also: Nami, Ussop, Sanji, Chopper, Franky were all bailed out too.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Also: Nami, Ussop, Sanji, Chopper, Franky were all bailed out too.
Nami, Sanji and Franky were all able to redeem themselves by defeating an officer/commander. Chopper and Usopp caried out their minor roles as well. Carrot just sat along the sideline as a cheerleader. That's why I mentioned it.

I guess you have a point there with the context, but I'll continue to challenge you with what you're saying about Luffy. You're putting too too much weight on strength as Luffy deciding factor to allow someone to sail along. Luffy is a hard guy to fully grasp. Do you think luffy would say no?
Do you believe Luffy would let Tama join his crew?
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Nami, Sanji and Franky were all able to redeem themselves by defeating an officer/commander. Chopper and Usopp caried out their minor roles as well. Carrot just sat along the sideline as a cheerleader. That's why I mentioned it.
Carrot has also done the same when she defeated brulee and got access to the mirror world. She also defeated the Daifuku fleet.
Going back like to like Page 200 found some choice Quotes that are pretty funny may just post more as I make my way:
Yamato's the only one hit wonder here. Carrot has over three years on him. Time spent with all the Straw Hats, fighting alongside the Straw Hats, saving them, laughing with them, crying with them. Yamato will never, never have that kind of bond with them.
It probably took Oda, what, 10 minutes to draw that mini Yamato? Which is no more time than it took for him to draw the generic person in 971 he chose to be Yamato after the fact. Yamato👏was👏not👏planned. Whatever nice, interesting, poignant thing we see in whatever touching Kaido backstory we get will not make up for the fact that Oda popped Yamato out of thin air on a whim. Oda does not make characters into Straw Hats on a whim.
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I have as much right to my biased, reaching, delusional thinking as you have to yours. Luffy knows exactly who Carrot is. He trusted her to take care of his precious ship, just like he trusts the rest of his crew. He actually calls her by name. He will see beyond a doubt what she can do before this is all over. So enjoy "Yamao" stanning while you can. About half a year left, is my guess. Me? I'm going on 4 and counting. 11 if you count Jinbe.
She's going to say what she wants when she fights Peros and/or Big Mom. That's coming up later because it's more important than whatever Yamato is gonna do. Hence the opening act thing.

There are 3 candidates that want to go out to sea and adventure:

She had a connection with Ace and wanted to leave with him but due to circumstances was restricted at the time

She had a connection with Ace and wanted to leave with him but due to circumstances was restricted at the time


Has been travelling with the straw hats ever since she met them, right up until current time.

If people are saying Yamao is going to join the crew just because she wants to adventure, then they have to keep the same passion towards Tama and Carrot. Characters who also have their own promises and desires to set out to sea.

Yamao and Tama merely wish to set out to sea with the straw hats...that's something Carrot is already actively doing. It's not like she needed to join the straw hats when she did. She would've been in Wano arc regardless of if she came to WCI or not. So why did Oda do it? That's one of the things that separates Carrot from the other two. She has a history with the crew on the sunny.

But what also divides them is the new bonds Oda is developing for the characters. Mainly Tama and Yamao with Momo. And how Oda is presenting Yamao in the role of his guardian, whilst dropping hints for Tama to do the same.
That's not to say that Momo is their only bond. Tama is obviously close with the straw hats and means a lot to Luffy. But when looking in the future based on what we have there is nothing indicating a continued relationship with Luffy post Wano, whereas Tama's already introduced the idea of watching over Momo as a kunoichi. Likewise, all of Yamao's declarations of travelling at sea were before she knew Momo and the scabbards were all still alive. That's a huge deal since she now believes Momo's going to be the one to bring in the dawn and states just how important he is and that she would give her life for him.

And no, this isn't forced labour, or stripping Yamao of her freedom. This is exactly what she wants to do more than anything and is the fulfilment of a wish she thought she'd failed at decades ago. These are her most recent feelings and show that she values the protection of Momo over her desire to go out to sea.

Still, the fact that Oda mentioned this wish again makes it seem fair that she gets to eventually do so. And since Tama wants to do the same thing it brings in to question Momo's role on Wano. After the war, I envisioned the beginning of the preparation for the war against the WG. Wano would be the allies HQ (natural fortress and all), and Momo would stay there. But now I wonder if Momo will be the one to go out to nations sympathetic with the beliefs of the AK and to ask for their help and recruit them to battle. This would achieve multiple things.

1. A perfect opportunity to demonstrate Momo's maturity, strength and worth as a shogun by travelling across the world to recruit allies

2. By choosing Yamao (daughter of Kaido) act as his escort and guardian it would remedy the Wano citizens' mistake of blaming children for their fathers' sins

3. Allows Yamao to simultaneously see the world as they go to each island to recruit, protect Momo, aid in bringing the dawn. (The same goes for Tama, especially if the theory of her being a Kurozumi is true)

There are many ways to travel at sea. You don't have to be on the Sunny to do so. But unlike the suggestions for Carrot, Yamao has shown a very strong interest in protecting Momo. She's strong enough to travel the new world without needing the SHP. She has a log of Oden's travels and knowledge on what the D is (Which would be useful in recruiting AK allies). Meanwhile Carrot's already begun her adventure with the straw hats and has bonded with them to the point that she just feels like another member in their family.

Why take Carrot away from the straw hats and put her on different adventure despite already having travelled with them for over a month, whilst simultaneously taking Yamao away from Momo and grouping her with the crew where she has no purpose for being?
@Jew D. Boy
Brulee recovered. Defeated is what happened to Cracker.

Daifuku defeated his own fleet, she just messed with some steering wheels. Not even all of them. I had to recheck to make sure.

I'll give you this, she wasn't entirely useless during WCI like she was in Wano.
I think you're being too technical. Carrot cleared the path with strategy regardless. Cracker was situational, but it worked out. The same will likely apply to carrot.
Daifuku defeated his own fleet, she just messed with some steering wheels. Not even all of them. I had to recheck to make sure.
And Carrot has to be saved by Brook because of the Sulong limits... Something that the crew can't afford to do against more cunning and more powerful opponents like the BBP...

By the way, most people may haven't noticed but Oda purposedly exhaust Carrot in order to showcase the SHs at the time... Remember that all the SHs in the ship tagged team BM after that...

I think you're being too technical. Carrot cleared the path with strategy regardless. Cracker was situational, but it worked out. The same will likely apply to carrot.
Cleared the path? Which is also something Pekoms did later on... Carrot and Pekoms were simply hype tools for Sulong...
Good timing, I will explain what I'm waiting for that chapter and for Carrot.

You may know that I hypothesized, a few weeks ago, 3 moments that could be decisif for Carrot:

- A reaction for Carrot to Luffy
- Something Carrot related during the banquet or later in wano
- Carrot sneaking on the ship

> The first one didn't happen, so I was wrong on this one. Decreasing the possibility of Carrot joining - for me - down to 70%

> The second on the other hand could still happen. Note that when I'm talking about "something Carrot related", i'm refering to something that could be related to her defeat against Perospero and/or the dawn.

Indeed, Carrot's defeat against perospero was the last nail in the coffin of Carrot's naivety in front of the sea. Now, Carrot knows all to well the danger of the sea.. But she might also be in the process of doubting herself, after all, during her trip with the strawhat she took defeats on defeat (minus the 888/889 moment). So there is a windows for a refusal of the call for adventure for Carrot. Someone like wanda might see how Carrot wants to go on adventure and may convince her to sail again.

On a second plan.. Carrot's relationship to the "dawn" is still a mystery.. but we know that the dawn is meaning a lot if we look at the endgame content. Therefore a link created by Oda between Carrot and that concept would confirm Carrot as a future crewmate. Concerning that subject, there is a windows for a questionning from Carrot on the dawn.. the end of Wano would be the perfect moment to create that link.

If none of those happens, the possibility will decrease down to 60% for me. (Still certain)

> Finally, even if none of those hypothesis are verified. Carrot's characterization is still the one of a young girl obsessed by wonders and adventure. So there is no narrative reasons for Carrot to stay on Wano or to go back to Zou, for that, Carrot would need an incentive greater than the sea in the opposite direction.

So the possibility for Carrot to sneak on the Sunny is still on the table. I'm expecting that to happen at the very END of Wano. Meaning the last chapter of Wano (the departure of the strawhat) + One chapter (the transition between the arc)

Carrot joining, would confirm her as a future strawhat later.


So to sum things up:

There are still 3 things that we can wait for to confirm carrot as a future strawhat:

- A refusal / Self doubt / Self questionning (next chapter or before the departure)
- A questionment about the dawn (next chapter or before the departure)
- Carrot sneaking on the Sunny (After the departure)
This right here should have been set up after cat viper defeated Perospero and during Luffy's fight against Kaido. Oda should of give us a panels or chapters of her grieving or having little bit of self-pity in doubting herself and her abilities moving forward. With cat viper, kinemon, and dogstorm defeating her personal enemies that had influenced on her life. Is there really a reason for her to continue her journey alongside strawhats even though her personal enemies were not resolve by them? As well the fact she did not participate in the wano arc or in the raid. Fans had used this same argument for both Rebecca and paulie in order to justify them join the straw hats despite the fact they did not help the strawhats in the main event of the story.

Carrot really does not have any motivation or determination to continue her journey alongside with them. It is better for her to return home to train harder and become stronger towards the final war. She might make a surprising return to the story. Not as a main crew member but part of the grand fleet member that represents the mink tribe or one of luffy’s allies challenging the world government.

Even though Pedro put that goal onto her about “the dawn”. She should have been the person throughout the arc willing to learn what “the dawn" means. We could have gotten a flashback that center around her as a character exploring that dream or that goal her master bestowed upon her. Seeing Pedro gravesite that would of have been more fitting way to start that flashback up. Also, she should have been a character who had work alongside the strawhats throughout act 2. She should have been the person who had witness Luffy fighting against kaido knowing what Pedro words meant. Pedro words were before he died were. “Try not to be startled by this sudden turn of events I have a suspicion …… that luffy and his friends…. Are those whom our people and the kozuki clan have awaited for centuries. The ones who will guide the dawn to the world!!!” One day you will understand the importance of keeping his crew alive here so that there voyage go on!!” Listen to me yougara Keep moving forward."

The fact is carrot already played her part/role back in a whole cake island. She did save half of the strawhats against a fleet of ships under big mom's territory. She did not however, play a bigger role, taking part or witnessing Luffy, the rest of the strawhats and there alliance triumphant moment in taking down two of the 4 emperors of the sea. Her joining the crew would feel unearned because she has been in the background for the last 150 chapters. My point is this if carrot had play a prominent role throughout wano we would not being having this debate/discussion in the forms.

Sneaking aboard thousand sunny again? Sigh…. The character is already friends with half of the strawhats so there is no need for her to do that. Throughout this entire arc she has not given us any new story revelation coming from her as a character. She has no secret enemies that strawhats needs resolve for her as person to be among them. Her journey with the strawhats seems to be coming to end/close while Yamato journey finally begins.
This right here should have been set up after cat viper defeated Perospero and during Luffy's fight against Kaido. Oda should of give us a panels or chapters of her grieving or having little bit of self-pity in doubting herself and her abilities moving forward
No. Not if he wanted us to be surprised, we already know that Carrot was frustrated by her defeat, we didn't need anymore explanation on the matter. One Piece is not a CW show. Less is better.

there really a reason for her to continue her journey alongside strawhats even though her personal enemies were not resolve by them?
Like I keep saying you, the situation of Carrot has not been resolved yet. The memory is still here with the frustration of the defeat.

As well the fact she did not participate in the wano arc or in the raid. Fans had used this same argument for both Rebecca and paulie
No, Rebecca and Paulie had nothing in comparison to Carrot, you are inventing links where there are none.

Carrot really does not have any motivation or determination to continue her journey alongside with them
Wrong, as always. Adventure and wonders plus Pedro's dream are all good motivations for Carrot to continue her journey. You are speaking out of ignorance once again.

It is better for her to return home to train harder and become stronger towards the final war
No it's not, in fact it goes against her characterization.

Not as a main crew member but part of the grand fleet member that represents the mink tribe or one of luffy’s allies challenging the world government.
There won't be anymore grandfleet, stop with that baseless argument.

Even though Pedro put that goal onto her about “the dawn”. She should have been the person throughout the arc willing to learn what “the dawn" means.
Everything comes in time, there was no need for Carrot to speak about the dawn earlier, there was a battle. Now is the time, so be patient.

Seeing Pedro gravesite that would of have been more fitting way to start that flashback up.
Not really no, if the dawn is supposed to be a revelation, it needs to be right at the end.

The fact is carrot already played her part/role back in a whole cake island. She did save half of the strawhats against a fleet of ships under big mom's territory. She did not however, play a bigger role
Her role was too big for a side character. The treatment of Carrot by Oda why too similar to the one of a strawhat to be a coincidence. Something is coming for Carrot and you are not ready.

My point is this if carrot had play a prominent role throughout wano we would not being having this debate/discussion in the forms.
What was written don't disappear from the narrative. This is the Yonko saga, so the whole cake island arc is STILL relevant to the story. That's what Yamato fans like you don't realize. Whole cake was a setup for Wano, meaning that whole cake and the development of Carrot had a purpose, not only because of Sulong, but because of the role Carrot will have at the end of the arc : the one of a strawhat.

Sneaking aboard thousand sunny again? Sigh…. The character is already friends with half of the strawhats so there is no need for her to do that.
Of course there is, that how Carrot has been characterized. Don't imagine cahracter like you want them to be, imagine them like they are. Carrot asking to join is possible, but less possible than her actually heading again on the Sunny to join.

She has no secret enemies that strawhats needs resolve for her as person to be among them.
That's because her ennemy is herself mate. You missed that part.
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