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Dude has bar none the strongest role in the game and says with a straight face "yeah I'm neutral"


He's getting Indi welfare with his role
we lynching him today.
if he gets one more kill we gonna need to shoot him 3 times...
he makes some doubles that die.
He gains one per kill
He has two rn.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
no it’s limited to 1 cycle with the extension of a second if both parties agree to stay on the chat. I can only neighbor a player if they use positive actions on me.

his ability is protect - doctor of sorts he successfully saved doc from a ks and used this ability on all main townies adam doc Mitch.

his voice of an angel is basically a lightning rod which he’s used to potentially help save prominent townies this game.

Since chuck died and we became neighbored that’s when, along with the first thing he did was share his abilities with me with having to ask I even questioned him multiple times about actually being scum in our chat.
Why you used chaos storm on 5? Did you have so many sus?

Also, why you didn't use your other abilities?

I know you should have it.


Why you used chaos storm on 5? Did you have so many sus?

Also, why you didn't use your other abilities?

I know you should have it.
I can’t use other abilities if I am using protection I can use my ability beforehand but I’ve been protecting players all game but my abilities are also only x shots so used them strategically rather than Willy nilly
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