General & Others Who is Oda writing the story for

You Know that the majority of people read a story for the plot, and characters are just how the story is conveyed?
Power levelers that read One Piece because Naruto or Bleach or whatever classic fighting shonen they were following ended will keep getting disappointed that One Piece differs on that.
Also Moria and Tashigi are non relevamt characters. Smoler barely.
What's been done to Usop is just short of criminal, but as i said, i am here for the plot
Has anybody been reading for the last 10 years and went I like where Oda is going with this?

smoker fans dissapointed
Moriah fans dissapointed
Tashigi fans dissapointed
usopp fans disappointed
big mom fans dissapointed

unless you wank zoro, akainu, Luffy or Coby I dont see what were getting out of following the story.

Robin has two fights in the manga
I guess one could arguee that he is writing about the theme of liberation and freedom, so individual charachters get neglected. But then one can criticise the execution of it: is this generalised freedom for all conveid in a way that somebody cares? Wouldn't it be better to show the theme through the development of the charachters and not by cookie cutter defeats of one dimmensional tyrants oppresing nameless background charachters?
Who wouldn't love to see Usopp become free of his fears, of his insecurities and some physical constraints (call me shallow but at the end everybody loves a cool powerup) and thw positive freedom of archieving his dream?
Who wouldnt prefer to see Smoker archieve his goal of a World goverment free of coruption, rising in Rank and strength to fullfil his ambition (I'll write on the squanderd potential of haki=ambition in another shizo rant)
Certainly I would prefer Tashiginto emancipate herself from her limitations that people place on her gender instead of the tranny stuff Oda seems to love (guess being slave to weird gender fetishes is more freeing than a woman getting a power up or archieving her goals in her own way)
Moriah seemed to have learnt some lesson about friendship but I guess using him as a hype tool is better than having him team up thematically with luffy to free him of the guilt of losing his old crew and making him able to redeem himself and able to find new comrades.
Big mom... yeah kinda sad if she never gets free of her childhood trauma and allways gets stuck in a cage of childhood only falling like a baby throwing a tantrum till her death.
Also my **** Koby better show up and not be a scrub lol😂
I guess one could arguee that he is writing about the theme of liberation and freedom, so individual charachters get neglected. But then one can criticise the execution of it: is this generalised freedom for all conveid in a way that somebody cares? Wouldn't it be better to show the theme through the development of the charachters and not by cookie cutter defeats of one dimmensional tyrants oppresing nameless background charachters?
Who wouldn't love to see Usopp become free of his fears, of his insecurities and some physical constraints (call me shallow but at the end everybody loves a cool powerup) and thw positive freedom of archieving his dream?
Who wouldnt prefer to see Smoker archieve his goal of a World goverment free of coruption, rising in Rank and strength to fullfil his ambition (I'll write on the squanderd potential of haki=ambition in another shizo rant)
Certainly I would prefer Tashiginto emancipate herself from her limitations that people place on her gender instead of the tranny stuff Oda seems to love (guess being slave to weird gender fetishes is more freeing than a woman getting a power up or archieving her goals in her own way)
Moriah seemed to have learnt some lesson about friendship but I guess using him as a hype tool is better than having him team up thematically with luffy to free him of the guilt of losing his old crew and making him able to redeem himself and able to find new comrades.
Big mom... yeah kinda sad if she never gets free of her childhood trauma and allways gets stuck in a cage of childhood only falling like a baby throwing a tantrum till her death.
Also my **** Koby better show up and not be a scrub lol😂
Usopp actually had that moment in Enies Lobby, amd yet he never did anything closer to that character wise.
L for my boy.
Usopp actually had that moment in Enies Lobby, amd yet he never did anything closer to that character wise.
L for my boy.
yeah man I don't know how Usopp got fucked over like that, guess popularity pools. I remember being so desperate for Usopp being relevant that I resorted to searchint for fanfics where he is op😂 and the saddest thing is, they don't exist😂
so the clossest are all those theories about how usopp will totally get coop power ups in elbaf, he'll surely get that stupid norse hammer, not like Zoro got very little in Wano, nono a much less popular characher will totaly get redeemed soon... (even the observation haki that lead to nothing is just more salt in the wound lol)
yeah man I don't know how Usopp got fucked over like that, guess popularity pools. I remember being so desperate for Usopp being relevant that I resorted to searchint for fanfics where he is op😂 and the saddest thing is, they don't exist😂
so the clossest are all those theories about how usopp will totally get coop power ups in elbaf, he'll surely get that stupid norse hammer, not like Zoro got very little in Wano, nono a much less popular characher will totaly get redeemed soon... (even the observation haki that lead to nothing is just more salt in the wound lol)
Mate, usopp will never get a power up.
The sooner you accept that, the better.
Usopp should just grow, he actually became more childish as OP went on.


You Know that the majority of people read a story for the plot, and characters are just how the story is conveyed?
Power levelers that read One Piece because Naruto or Bleach or whatever classic fighting shonen they were following ended will keep getting disappointed that One Piece differs on that.
Also Moria and Tashigi are non relevamt characters. Smoler barely.
What's been done to Usop is just short of criminal, but as i said, i am here for the plot
"Plot" but when you go to forums and youtube most videos are about fights, power scalling and power levels.
yeah man I don't know how Usopp got fucked over like that, guess popularity pools. I remember being so desperate for Usopp being relevant that I resorted to searchint for fanfics where he is op😂 and the saddest thing is, they don't exist😂
so the clossest are all those theories about how usopp will totally get coop power ups in elbaf, he'll surely get that stupid norse hammer, not like Zoro got very little in Wano, nono a much less popular characher will totaly get redeemed soon... (even the observation haki that lead to nothing is just more salt in the wound lol)
before the time skip I wrote s fan fiction where Usopp became the quatermaster of the strawhats and got meteor fruit.

tuen Oda read it and being the racist he is gave the idea to Fujitora.
before the time skip I wrote s fan fiction where Usopp became the quatermaster of the strawhats and got meteor fruit.

tuen Oda read it and being the racist he is gave the idea to Fujitora.
damn Oda really is racist, should have figured it out after he said "look black people are iust like these fish creature mutants, and even if they are hideous racism is bad, see what a progressive I am!!" guess thats good for japanese standards😂

But yeah I'll check the fic out
He’s been exceedingly clear, both in actions and actual quotes, that he’s only writing for an audience of 13-19 year old Japanese males, and God damn, does it show…
but doesn't that demographic also love underdogs? I remember growing out of edgy op charachters by the age of 13, and then found trickster more apealing (best example is me finding Vegeta cool as a kid but now finding him boring and rather seeing someone like Krilin shine with some bullshit tactic😂)

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
but doesn't that demographic also love underdogs? I remember growing out of edgy op charachters by the age of 13, and then found trickster more apealing (best example is me finding Vegeta cool as a kid but now finding him boring and rather seeing someone like Krilin shine with some bullshit tactic😂)
Who DOESN’T love an underdog, honestly?? I just don’t appreciate how Oda refuses to acknowledge that the readers who were kids when he started writing are now middle aged men like he is, they want to keep supporting his series but would like it to make a little more sense, I don’t think that’s a very big ask…nor do I expect it to happen this late in the game :josad: