Nature has decided to counterattack. As usual, humanity still has no answer for nature. They don't have an answer for earthquakes, tsunamis, locust and virus. And they are unlikely to find one in the future.
But this infection is not gonna go away quickly I think. If humans can act as carriers to this disease, mouse can most likely also act as carriers. The virus will live on and infect the northern hemisphere in the upcoming winter.
I hope that a vaccine will be developed ready to go by that time.
Vaccine would take at least one and a half year (development, clearance, mass scale production and distribution)
And, there is no guarantee we can have a vaccine.
We don't have vaccine for cold, Flu, sars. Corona virus is Sars- Cov 2 which implies it's similar to sars. So in worst case, corona can become seasonal.
However, studies have revealed that corona virus isn't mutating or has very slow rate of mutation. This provides us opportunity to develop vaccine for it.
But still life won't be same after this. More than 3 Billion people are under lockdown as of now. And, rest are also more or less under some sort of restrictions or taking precautions. The mental Health of people under such fearful times that even going out can cost you your life is immense.
Poor and daily wage labourers are struggling to meet their daily requirements.
This situation is as worse as World wars we had.
And, it's all because of negligence on part of some..smh