Sorry forgot to reply here. Essentially this is a continuation of your Hime read as I mentioned in that post of mine regarding the train you started on her.
Here you asked why Pot had Dofla in his town list when Dofla had made no posts.
Hime said that since Dofla subbed in for LM, maybe Pot town read LM and thus put his sub Dofla there as well.
I disagree with statements like these in general, but that's besides the point for now, you ask her why she's speaking on Pot's behalf.
>Soul asks why Dofla is a town read to Pot.
> Hime says since Dofla subbed in for LM, maybe Pot had LM in town reads and thus Dofla is there now.
> Soul asks Hime why she's responding for Pot.
All pretty straightforward here. Anyone can read this and there's nothing bizarre.
You see my boy lind, it is a problem, because I am trying to resolve pot here not hime, me asking the dude question is to gauge if he is scum or not, because some of his town reads makes no sense. Jumping on another person behalf and defending him is never a good look, especially if it's to defend a specific person and assumes I should know that the person is townie, how am I suppose to know that?
But she makes a good point here. What she said was the simple fact that Dofla subbed in for LM so Pot may have put Dofla in the town list 'cause he town read LM.
No, it's not a good point, because LM did nothing that warrant his slot to be townie read to begin with and to give. So Dofla/LM slot is weird to give someone town read for it. Especially since his sub dofla literally did nothing to make LM slot look better. She assumes that I should know that the slot is townie, but how should I know that?
She only goes further to say that it sounds like fake contribution from you and that she's only trying to clear up a question you have without having to wait for Pot to come back.
Huh? why clear up something that only Pot is suppose to know? how does this even makes sense? I asked pot to see his reasoning behind his reads to understand his logic. There is literally nothing hime can do here to clear up anything for me, because I am interested in Pot answer here and not her.
You took this out of context to say that she was defending Dofla/LM slot (quoted below) which I don't think she did at all as you can see in her quotes to you.
I'm sorry I don't see her defense of Dofla in the above quotes and don't know where you got the bolded from.
She was defending Dofla slot. Because she was bothered by the fact that I asked pot why he town read dofla, and she town reads dofla herself.
Okay, few things to note here:
1) She didn't ask you to assume anything. She gave you a probable answer which would be verified after Pot came online anyway. You literally added a negative tone to the post for no reason.
She didn't give me any answer to anything because once again I asked Pot and not hime, there is literally zero reason to town read that slot, and not sure where that negative tone you talking about is coming from. The explanation she made zero since, because she is entering assuming I should know that LM is town read by pot hence why dofla is town, but neither these slot warranted anything to be town read. So why is she defending this slot? she is coming under the impression that I am asking for the sake of asking.
2) If you saw nothing about Dofla/LM to warrant a town read, you should be questioning Pot more, not Hime lol. You didn't even ask Hime about her read of Dofla/LM here.
That's literally why I asked POT to elaborate on his read, not have hime come and defend dofla to and somehow comes into the conclusion that I am unaware that dofla was not subbed in. Like what?
3) You went on to accuse of TMI on dofla/LM, when again, she never defended Dofla/LM in her previous posts here.
She did though, she literally went back and forth because I asked pot to elaborate on his reads and specifically the dofla read and she found issue with it cause she thinks that dofla is townie.
She answers pretty truthfully again here:
You asked Pot about Dofla and Hime just said that she thinks Pot put Dofla in the town's list because LM may have been his town read and Dofla subbed in for LM.
Then she said that you put emphasis on Dofla's slot and that's why she's defending the slot saying that she town reads him and stated that publicly before.
Come on, seriously? She literally said that since Dofla subbed into LM's slot, maybe Pot read LM town and that's why Dofla is put into town list.
There was no obsession there. You made it an obsession.
We must be playing different games if you think I made it an obsession, she was playing real bad there and felt TMI coming her way. She even was behaving strangely early on as well. You think votes would wrack up her way like that for the lol?
Again, she didn't say it's not a justifiable question. She literally said that maybe Pot but Dofla in the list.... do I really have to repeat this? You blew the situation into something else entirely.
Did I really blow it out of proportion? or she made a simple read elaboration from pot into something that is not true and dug herself in the process?
Oho... where was this question in the beginning when she publicly stated that Dofla was her town read or even ask Hime what her read of Dofla was when she first responded to you.
Yes, I am definetly gonna start asking her questions because she forced herself into my radar, seen some sus stuff coming her way and needed answers, don't see the problem with this?
You voted her after this. Like, you can definitely see that there's a clear problem regarding your progression of arguments here.
Yes, ofcourse because she did multiple stuff that warranted the vote.
>Coming at me with an agenda, assuming i don't know LM was subbed.
>Defending and speaking on behalf of pot.
>Her post felt like she had TMI
I don't see anything problem with the progression here, but you seem to see it in a different manner that is fascinating by itself. I remember you shaded ratchet as well for no reason and was also trying to shade me early on without wanting to understand the context behind things as well. I even pointed it out and you ignored it when you brought the timing issue regarding Gramm.
Not replying or moving forward with this by the way, I gotten mostly what I wanted from it and not interested in further tunneling from your part on something that is obviously not true. If you think I am scum then you can simply place a vote my way and call it a day, your slot will be resolved in following DPs, need to see more of you generally speaking. So far, not liking you so much. Although this post seems like you are trying to work your brain, which is a slight positive.