Gun debate thread

Do you support the 2nd Amendment?

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Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Huh @ bold?

How does having gun control turn someone into China or North Korea? 🤣 You realise it exists in every developed country?

People do get guns illegally everywhere, but getting a gun is a lot harder at least, than just handing it out freely.

The 2nd Amendment is a super outdated document, and the sooner you amend it, the better for you.
I was talking about completely banning guns(which is what some senators want).

People will still get guns illegally, but gun regulation right now is extremely lax given how an 18 year old can legally buy an automatic weapon. 70% of shootings in America take place in the big cities like DC, Chicago and Los Angeles.


Survivors Guilt
In tha sense we talking bout it now? Yea it needs to be much stricter to obtain a firearm, like ***** can buy that shot at a Walmart off tha rack and go Brazy……

I think it needs, mental evaluations every other year as well as physical evals and an extensive background check at bare minimum

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
In tha sense we talking bout it now? Yea it needs to be much stricter to obtain a firearm, like ***** can buy that shot at a Walmart off tha rack and go Brazy……

I think it needs, mental evaluations every other year as well as physical evals and an extensive background check at bare minimum
idk why but people from the hood or honky pete's from white suburbs going to a gun range seems like the funniest shit ever to me


name them then
The 66.8-year average life span for those living in Oglala Lakota County, home to the Pine Ridge Native American reservation, was also less than that of countries such as India (66.9), Sudan (67.2) and Iraq (67.7), the report found.

America is an outlier in food insecurity. One in 6 Americans report running out of food at least once a year, whereas in European countries this number is closer to one in 20. The rate of growth in food insecurity is far greater than many other developed nations. In the late 1960s, America had 9.6 million food insecure people — by 2012, this number had grown 5x to 48 million.

Sad that you never heard of this....


WW2 Italy im telling you lol
U f.cking clown.

Did you even read the articles?
Not only reservations are mentioned there.

But sure, just go and spend your tHrOwAyAy MonEy on stuff you don't need to BoOsT tHe eConOmY while people in your own country are starving
U f.cking clown.

Did you even read the articles?
Not only reservations are mentioned there.

But sure, just go and spend your tHrOwAyAy MonEy on stuff you don't need to BoOsT tHe eConOmY while people in your own country are starving
right, lets look at the other example

In Pine Ridge, more than 80 percent of the residents are unemployed and more than one-third of the homes lack running water or electricity. Alcoholism is a systemic problem and diets are so poor that half the population over 40 years old is diabetic.
another reservation...

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Please remain civil and stay on topic

Is that even possible on this topic?

Very well, I’ll keep this as civil as I can: it is not my children’s fault that automatic weaponry helps insecure American men overcompensate for their tiny penises and/or other sexual shortcomings: no American citizen needs to own an automatic weapon. If you are pro second amendment, I would recommend coming to terms with your sexual inadequacies in a way that doesn’t result in children being slaughtered