If the State decides to send a heavily armed and trained army to where you live, dafuq do you think a bunch of people are gonna do?
Dafuq is your glock gonna do when they drop bombs on your neighborhood?
This "I'm gonna get a gun to fight evil government" is the kind of argument that often get people killed.
An overly simplistic and fallacious fantasy of what would happen.
The problem with armed population is not some hypotetical future weird ass Evil Government scenario. The problem with armed population debate is how it affects the every day of the citizens.
"Bu-but the criminals have guns!".
They are criminals.
Idk about the cost of guns in the US, but, here in Brazil, they are quite expensive. It's illogical to think that, if guns are allowed, the "population" can acquire them, when most of them don't earn monthly enough to pay even for half of their costs. And that's not even taking into consideration the cost of living itself like bills, rent, food, etc.
Every country has its own reality. I can only talk about the reality from where I live because it's the one I have the most contact with and discuss more about.
Here, in Brazil, it would be a fucking disaster.