Do yall think hes made any okama friends during the timeskip?
I know he said he hates them but i like to imagine hes good with ivankov and inazuma
With everything bon-chan has done i want to see them also interact again
Also scared and exited to see sanjis reaction to okiku. Mostly scared but i have hope
I agree Sanji even if he didn't want to be there, stayed with the Okama during 2 full years. During this time Sanji likely openned up (haha) a little.
Inazuma seems to be a chill and smart guy/girl I wont be surprised if Sanji and him have at least cordial/good relationship.
And also the way Ivankov talked about Sanji during the revo meeting : he said that Sanji didn't tell him that he was Germa, like if they had talked quite a lot during those two years, and Ivankov seemed chill talking about Sanji, so I think even if they yelled at each other most of the time they are quite good with each other.
Sanji often yell or pretend to be mad etc for comedic purpose but I think all the Okamas are in good term with him and like him, and the reverse is true too. They were with him when he went back to Sabaody and protected him from the marines.
And it is in Sanji character to create bounds with other people.