Get offscreened by Teach
But seriously there's not much to know about Shanks besides what was presented to us. The wildest thing that can change how we view him is being Xebec's son which imo isn't farfetched.
Assuming we are very close to the EoS, with Shanks vs Teach constant foreshadowing throughout the story, we are about to witness BBP vs RHP. What do you think Shanks next move is?
that's the perfect things about Shanks
for 25 years we saw him but we are yet to understand him, what he wants, who he is or anything about him
he is know unknown, he is unpredictable and reasonable at the same time
Oda is planning 25 years for Shanks and there is no limit for what he may do
he might even be the final villain of the story, the one after Teach ...
so don't be fully sure Shanks gonna die by Teach, Shanks might be the end game itself
knowing Buggy, Luffy and BB are DEEPLY connected to Shanks, it's safe to assume next sage is Shanks's saga
dead or villain or alive or anything ... Shanks gonna take the lead of one piece
I can go as far as saying
one piece story can not be told without Shanks
he is the key for Luffy growth and the conflix of morality
this is not merely a talk about power level. in power level I can simply give up and say fine
in terms of effect on the story ... he is far above Teach
Teach is the man who will get his ass kicked by Luffy so Luffy can become King
Shanks is the one who will shape Luffy and the final step of the story
this man in the personification of Oda himself walking in the story
Oda uses Shanks like pure gold, only in THE BEST chapters, only with HIGHEST hype
even his picture ONLY show up in BEST chapters ... like 957 or 1053 ...
I'm not even saying it as a Shanks fan
I'm saying this as a One Piece fan
if you don't understand how greatly important Shanks is to the story and how well managed he is ...
you failed to fully understand the story
and I'm saying this for your own sake. debating about Shanks in a random place on internet is pointless
any one piece fan SHOULD be praying to God and goda to see him in action
cause without Shanks taking the lead one piece is a failed story
and this is not going to far
I don't care if you don't believe me, sometimes ignorance is a bless. you gonna get shocked and enjoy the feeling