Yeah I haven’t been keeping up so I did miss it LMAO
Idk I just had to use my abilities and you two came to mind, didn’t interact much with the others.
Idk I just had to use my abilities and you two came to mind, didn’t interact much with the others.
I want to believe my read really but it would be so in character. But either way it doesn't explain Flower not failing so.
Yeah no, he's Merc, Emi Town. Let's go with that. I'm disappointed in myself for second guessing my Emi soulread, I am literally never wrong.
Emi is pretty much lock town here right? For the time being at least? I shouldn't have rescinded, I'm usually right the first time on her.
No I was being dumb as fuck. The angle for Emi/Melkor to be scum here pretty much relies on Melkor to have claimed to have blocked one person and then Emi to randomly say she blocked Drago putting her in a thunderdome with the Survivor. Like I'm not going to assume that, it's so dumb.