could u not roleblock someone at the same time as using the party on urself?
I didn't try this tbh.
the merc also placed the shield on me. it did not stop any kill n1
Alright then the shield will always be on you.
from ur PoV who do u think r fake out of these
Honestly most of the actions both the nights centered around 3 players - You, Ratched and Drago/Me.
Night 1:
- LM targeted Drago and blocked Emilia.
- Conq was blocked when he tried to target you.
- Hime was blocked by Drago.
- Flowa healed Drago but didn't get an action fail.
- You got Lanji as not cult.
- Emilia got action fail on Drago.
In fact, Rott's, Pero's, Xlaw's and yours were the only ones that worked. And Flowa's somehow.
- Conq was blocked from visiting you night 1 and was jailed on night 2. But we still had Eradicate used by the cult leader night 2. Meaning Conq did not try to convert you and isn't the cult leader at least.
Leaving only Rott, Pero, and Xlaw. It's why I need Doddsy's claim badly 'cause that would confirm Ratchet to me.