Spoiler One Piece Chapter 976 Spoilers Discussion

Best Princess?

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That was within the verse, i am talking about from a meta perspective.
BM does not have the level of Kaidou and Blackbeard as a character.
BB will probably end up the most important antagonist in the series, there's not much comparison. Kaido and BM will probably be defeated at the same time but since FI came before Punk Hazard, that means she's a longer running enemy. Kaido only looks bigger because he's the main villain here. No one will really care about him after ,the way that we still have all of those other Charlotte kids back home to address, as well as her grip on FI.


You can't win
BM getting beaten yet no streussen, no Prometheus , no Katakuri , no giants from el

Unless these guys arrive in wano, BM isnt falling yet

Wano arc should be erased, onigahsima battles might be the only good thing about Wano.
Katakuri not being present was made on purpose. He isn't an antagonist to the Strawhats anymore, or at least Luffy. Oda is aiming at him taking charge of BM pirates after she'd be defeated
If Oda writes HxH, the story would be already over instead of Mr. Hiatus.
You're only picking up the worst parts about OP. What's about Doflamingo's epic speech, Akainu's radical justice or other memorable stuff? Roger just laughing about the One Piece?
you can't troll the best parts and if you do you will become a laughing stock....of course, this is true for any manga/anime/novel
One piece will forever remain the best, but i can't help but think this arc has been dragged for so long......like this chapter and last week chapter could have been one....i hate to say it, but the story progression of wano is so fucking slow

And i also don't care about jimbe showing up, the timing was so off
Lol, you don't understand fiction do you? And why are you comparing Jinbei with Usopp? Jinbei could be tortured and he still wouldn't feel scared of BM. Just stop with this nonsense.
Ah you mean in fiction characters don't have actual emotions?

So Jinbei's fears nothing as Big mom tears off Aladdin's fin because fictional characters don't have emotions that change according to the situation they are in

Okay then let's go with your explanation. Jinbei was not captured at all. Big mom and her entire fleet failed to catch a single fishman and reason he took weeks to arrive at Wano is because they did not have a ship so they had to swim.

That's the explanation you want since fictional characters can't have actual emotions
One Piece far eclipse those mangas in terms of story telling , deep of todays society picture and the built up is far greater than those mangas

For example Sabos quote to Dragon " this town stinks more than Gray terminal"
"If I stay here I will never be free !"

Just those two quotes hold a very deep meaning

I admit that the battle scenes in OP suck but thats the only weak poin against those listed manga

escpeacially HXH is worse it wants to look intellectual but its far from it stretched dialogues let it look like it has quality but its not the case
The same goes for Berserk it just one aspect of the feudal era its one dimensionel but OP is 3D its on a whole another league
For Jojo I agree its a very good manga but not complex as OP
You confuse "themes" with great execution.
OP is a very good manga, no doubt about it. Worldbuilding is great and the themes of the story are usually really good.
Unfortunately "themes" are only one part of the writing though. Execution is a major part, too, and Oda simply doesn't have his strengths there.
While he's still good compared to most mangakas, he's not quite on the level of those three mentioned above.
BM getting beaten yet no streussen, no Prometheus , no Katakuri , no giants from el

Unless these guys arrive in wano, BM isnt falling yet

Wano arc should be erased, onigahsima battles might be the only good thing about Wano.
Yep it won't happen with her Special Homie, mentor and potential successor being absent, not counting the absence of most of her crew and children.
Who knows maybe there's still a chance that won't be the case.

Then why do the fucking cliffhanger where Oda left Jinbe, the Sun Pirates, and Germa's fate unknown just when Big Mom came to confront them. If Oda was going to have everyone escape safely then why not show it? Why do the cliffhanger? I don't see anything wrong with the Vinsmokes getting captured or killed.
Yeah why not show it !!
This is a poor writing from oda where he play on the false hype .
Same as canniabal mink etc and many things .

Poor writing i say .
How could Urouge beat cracker and enraged army when he just defeated Snack? Did you see what happened when Luffy beat cracker? He couldnt even survived Sanji attacks or enraged army.

Capone is the one who made the assassination plans, capone saved the alliance some time with big Father, Chiffon contributed in the cake baking! The only thing Luffy and crew did more was Luffy beating Cracker and katakuri.

Kidd isnt there fail, stop writing stuff as if Zoro didnt fail in NW many times. He recently failed to even round up samurais.

Luffy hinstl also failed many times, neede help from Capone/germa/fishmen , help from law to take down Doffy family.
How much time passed between the Snack fight and the Cracker’s one? Why do you assume that Urouge fought Cracker and Snack without his crew?

Luffy let himself hit by Sanji, did Urouge let himself beat by Cracker?

There would have been no assassination plan without the strawhats beating CC and Dofla. Because without CC being in the Strawhats custody, Bege would never be able to do his poison rockets.
Capone save them with Big Father because his plan failed totally. The plan who actually worked was The mugiwara’s.

Kidd is there to fail. Ultimately Zoro and Luffy will accomplish their dream and Kidd will not.
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