Sorry. I've been feeling a little under the weather today and took a late nap. Just woke up from it.
I was jailed last night.
Jailer informed me Kiwi was jailed Night 1.
Reborn was roleblocked by Rej Night 1.
Rej said someone tried to RB him Night 1 but failed because he is role block proof (escort).
It is still most likely that we have 3 scum remaining. 16 players = a 4 Mafia +1 NK game. It's possible we have an additional neutral evil role (what Witch is, so maybe a Witch and Jester, or Executioner).
But so far I've gleamed that;
Rej is honest. We already have a dead escort, a confirmed Janitor. We can't have a second consort.
This means we have Rej as escort and 1 other player as escort. (or said second escort is dead and cleaned, given the lack of other people claiming to be RBed..)
Reborn / Kiwi aren't janitors, because they were stopped day 1.
I'm putting all three into tentative town roles.
Now—who is everyone who claimed TI? We need to start there. Poison Chan, Flowers and Dark Admiral? Are we missing someone? I feel like there was one additional claim. Likewise, who was witched last night?
Dark Admiral is immediately suspicious but Flowers is also a little odd. Remember the Mafia would know that FB was SK due to the dead consort. A quick claim like hers could help lead us to lynching FB. What was Poison Chan's role exactly, and her results?
Also—Jailer if you're alive, I think it's more important now that you jail Drago. The mayor CANNOT BE HEALED by the doctor. If you jail him, you can at least buy him time. Likewise, the two of you can strategize and share information during the night time phase.