If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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Kinemon, the most damaged retainer's condition 2 minutes after the raid.

All of the scabbards casually walking into the castle 5 minutes post raid ( after Momo's speech)

And on top of that 1 Week of rest

@Echizen_Jo_Ndule @Extravlad @AdmiralKinyagi
If it turns out that the scabbards got clapped when the full summary/raws come out I’m going to clown everyone who said this chapter was bad for Aramaki.
If he claps the entire retainers with no issues, do you think it would make a huge difference if they were healthy? Especially if he also outclasses Yamato as well?

We have to see how he deals with them at first.
Since he's fighting a weaker group than the one Base kaido wrecked.
plus his powers let him heal.
GB vs weakened 7 retainers = upper-low diff or mid diff (if they fought for hours or so , or we get statements that they put more fight than beast pirates)
GB vs 7 retainers (2 arms kiku, sulong dukes) = upper-mid diff or average high diff
GB vs 9 retainers : very high diff or extreme diff

If he fights Yamato and dominate or win then yeah I'll hype him and Admirals near Yonko
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Tbh, I dunno if I can ever trust Oda's "powerscaling" ever again, considering that Kaido is known for his high durability even among top tiers. Yet again, King already demonstrated better durability feats tho.
King didn't
Tbh, I dunno if I can ever trust Oda's "powerscaling" ever again, considering that Kaido is known for his high durability even among top tiers. Yet again, King already demonstrated better durability feats tho.
King didn't
@Echizen_Jo_Ndule When the weakest Admiral comes in and replicates Kaido's best feat in the raid knowing Akainu is far above that I'm going to fucking go crazy lmao....especially since all the clowning you did these past days.

So you better tell me GB didn't defeat the Scabbards.
Except GB didn't replicate Kaido's feat

That's why he's fighting 7 retainers not 9
And 4 of the retainers aren't in their peak!

That's why he also fought handicapped King and Queen

GB hasn't replicated Kaido's feat
Kaido fought people at their best and won
If he claps the entire retainers with no issues, do you think it would make a huge difference if they were healthy? Especially if he also outclasses Yamato as well?

We have to see how he deals with them at first.
They're healthy. Handicapped because no Sulong, Kiku losing an arm and two retainers down. However, those handicaps change nothing in the grand picture imo.
Imagine thinking Sulong makes a difference as it only increases physical strength. Lol, how is physical strength helping against GB's DF?
This is what happens when you wanna act stupidity
Sulong boost their stats and haki!

Btw a boost of any stats means you're much stronger especially if all of your physical stats is boosted.
Kinemon, the most damaged retainer's condition 2 minutes after the raid.

All of the scabbards casually walking into the castle 5 minutes post raid ( after Momo's speech)

And on top of that 1 Week of rest

@Echizen_Jo_Ndule @Extravlad @AdmiralKinyagi
Most scabbards were defeated twice, yet could all walk fine on the same day. Now imagine King and Queen who were only defeated once, and are literal ancient Zoans lol.
I'm pretty sure Jo_Ndule did realize how silly even entertaining the idea that two Admirals got defeated off-screen (in the sense knocked out) was but he's too prideful to admit it
:choppawhat:so why isn't Akainu saying it's a lie that Admirals didn't lose?

You're the one can't realise Sabo and Revos wouldn't even start to escape if Admirals were still up

They were either KOed or neutralised , either way means that Sabo and Revos were superior.

Cry in the corner


Zoro Worshipper
@Finalbeta We should add Papatake, Papasei, and Mamasagi to the Admiral fanboy lexicon (just like Papazuki, Papalino, Papazan, Papasho and Papamaki)

Shouldn't you be studying? to change the world with your high IQ and science? or something like that?

how do you find so much time to stay here on the forum, if that is your goal?
I spend no more than 3 hours a day on here lol. I would not study 15 hours a day, 10 is already massive.
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