I’m going to wait to the full summary.
But I genuinely think the non-Redon/etenboby leakers are anti admiral.
“He shows his ability on King and Queen.” -> reality, he clapped them.
“He fights the scabbards.” -> apparently he might have straight up clapped them/been dominating them.
Un-amed basically lost my full trust by saying the Revos defeated/incapacitated Fuji/Ryo only to back track and say he was confused. What the fuck lol
But I genuinely think the non-Redon/etenboby leakers are anti admiral.
“He shows his ability on King and Queen.” -> reality, he clapped them.
“He fights the scabbards.” -> apparently he might have straight up clapped them/been dominating them.
Un-amed basically lost my full trust by saying the Revos defeated/incapacitated Fuji/Ryo only to back track and say he was confused. What the fuck lol
Semi related to what you said there:

I wouldn't be surprised if the Scabbards got wrecked and where used as hype tools for Aramaki tbh. Their actual main role is over now, they got what they wanted already so Oda can do whatever he wants with them now.
Since Green Bull seems to be a samurai too ofc, its all the more fitting he fights the Scabbards too then. I'm adamant he and Akainu may even know Hyogoro too somehow.