Who's the better troll?

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do you lot think garp and sengoku were tangoing with the likes of king

this is just flatout shit portrayal
am sorry

and no @Chrono he didnt meet up with 3 yonko crews
stop the damage control
he didnt get to see what a single one of them had in store. clearly he has underestimated what his mission is if he thinks red hair pirates are too much that alliance defeated 2 yonko's and 3 commanders would be worse. red hair pirates arent fucking doing that.
Does he really even have to take them on tho
it seems like he doesnt even want the risk of being seen by them .

its fine and dandy if you come face to face with your opponent , see what they got before realizing you are outmatched

but sensing his conquerors
and avoiding it all together sounds a lot like a pussy.

this is the type of shit BB pulled pos mf and I felt the exact same way I feel now.
Dude GB retreated before it's too late bcz if shanks crew came. No matter how sh*t it is shanks will not fight with people when it's the marine that's attacking without a reason. Shanks even helps them. So i think GB retreated bcz if they came he will not even have a chance to retreat and you can raise an admiral death bed in wano. RIP greenbull then.Not to mention when wano already has powerhouses which can fight multiple yonkos. Yes sensing shanks and retreating is the right thing to do for GB before it's too late for him.

I'm also suspecting that WG will get messed up.


The only one who can beat me is me
You really seem to be coping lmao
Nah I ain't worried at all lmao. This happened last week and the chapter came out and it made GB look good if anything. So far the spoilers have been promising if anything, I'll admit I was actually kind of shook Oda was gonna have GB somehow retreat from momo and the scabbards (more from a writing pov that's terrible) because he was talking way too reckless, but he literally had to have an entirely new Yonkou step in to stop him from getting to the alliance. GB lookin like he got out of this entire situation scott free with no real blemishes. Makes sense too since he still needs to preserve his hype since he's a future opponent.
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