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Gorosei Informer

Anxiety clawed at my throat as I picked myself up and shambled to the hotel.

Walking into the lobby, I almost expected an attendant to come out and greet me. The lights were still on, soft parlor music could be heard from the speakers, and nothing seemed out of order. The exception being two things: no one was in the lobby, and the doors to the auditorium stood ajar, where I can only assume everyone had gone. The atmosphere of the lobby almost seemed to grow more dim as I approached the double doors to the auditorium, along with my breathing and sweating only becoming more out of control.

Initially, all I saw as I crept to the left side of the auditorium doors was a crowd of people sitting in the rows. As I crept closer, gazing deeper into the auditorium, things only grew more chaotic as the rows went deeper. Instead of sitting upright in their seats, the people seemed to have been clamoring over them, some of them even reaching their hands forward, reaching for whatever was at the deep end of the auditorium. It was only until I saw this that I realized why my legs had turned to jelly when I began to creep towards the doors.

No one was moving. They were all frozen in time.

Everyone in the auditorium were as still as mannequins, even the ones piled over seats attempting to reach some indescribable prize. As I approached the doors, the stage of the auditorium getting closer and closer into my view, the bodies began to get mangled into each other. The breaking point was when I saw the deer.
Straight down the aisles, where the bodies began to spill onto the floor and seemed to become a mass of entangled limbs, I saw...

Even though no human will ever read this, I’m having trouble summoning the will to write what I saw in that auditorium.

By the time the rows of chairs reached the stage, the bodies that had begun to literally pile over themselves on both the chairs and floor were merging. Skin, hair, clothes, it all fused together in a wave of flesh and cloth. The deer’s head poked out from the pile at the base of the stage, its eyes looking towards the ceiling, being the only easy identifiable thing in the mass.

It all culminated with a massive, red, pulsing cube at the center of the stage, at the top of which was one enormous red being I only know it was a being because at the moment I saw it, it swung its gaze from the ceiling to me. As well as every eye in that auditorium.

Dozens of eyes opened in that amalgam of flesh, and any neck that could move in the rows nearby craned to look at me. From the bannisters I saw the glow, even from tiny nooks and spaces in that maze of bodies. All of them connected by a string.
The string stemmed from the eye on the stage, and it weaved and spread to everything I could see. Near me I noticed the string splitting and spreading into the crowd, creeping into the eyes of all those infected in the audience.

Think of the most vivid memory you can remember, and think of the most vivid dream along with it. That was what I experienced. I moved through memories as if they were some extremely lucid dream, mimicking things I had done but unable to change anything about it.

My first day of school, my first kiss, days of no consequence, nights where my life had changed forever. I was reliving them. Occasionally, I am able to sense where I am currently, or at least where I think I am currently, and am able to write everything down onto this notepad, but it feels like lifetimes pass before I am able to do so. That might even be the case. But for as much time passes, it passes immensely slowly. It’s taken lifetimes to write up to the point I’m writing now. I don’t know how much longer I can record what I’ve experienced. But I can’t stop. It’s the only thing keeping me tied to the present. I’m sure of it.
I only know who I am because I’m able to read what I’ve previously written.

The red wire reached me, and briefly, I was shot back into my consciousness just in time for it to be sucked away from me, but I finally understand what’s happening.

After it crept into my eyes, I could see where that wire led, if only more a moment.

It was a signal. The signal went from the wire to the massive being on stage, and then to the monolith stretching into the sky. From there, I could feel my memories being replicated and stored somewhere. If I had to guess, it would be that my memories of life on Earth were being recorded.

The entirety of life on Earth was being catalogued, a kaleidoscope. Then, all life was ripped apart forever.


Some part of a creepypasta i found titled "The Court of Crimson King" :steef:
Literally a single boro breath from Kaido or a heavenly fire from Big Mom would kill Aramaki.

Either Oda has lost the plot and/or admirals are straight up commander level, either way I’m not trying to stick around.
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