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To you.
Where was it states that Admirals are all equal?

The Navy is not only the admirals
I know that you're doing this because you think Kizaru is fighting Zoro. If i were you, I'd give up on the idea completely. At this point Zoro and co shouldn't fight the Admirals. It's better than having to pretend like an Admiral trashes another when we have Akainu vs Aokiji as an example.
Stop smoking weed

Zoro fought in a team vs casual Rocks duo
Him cutting fire due to kinnemon skill isn't impressive

Zoro is below Admirals
'casual' Rocks duo? what does that even mean? Also Zoro wounded Kaido with broken bones when no one else was involved in the fight. :suresure:

And why isn't cutting fire impressive? Explain why. Only 2 people in the series have done it, it's a unique skill.

You're just mad Zoro low diffed an attack from Kaido while an Admiral struggled with an inferior version.
From another leaker
  • Momo vs Greenbull
  • Momo finally figured out how to use Boro breath
  • With one single Boro breath, Momo clapped Greenbull
  • Greenbull is heavily injured
  • Greenbull somehow gets up but senses immense haki nearby
  • Greenbull is scared after sensing immense color of supreme kings and runs away
  • We see that the scary haki was from Shanks and he is in mainland Wano
So yeah, Momo almost low-diffed an admiral.

This is so fucking stupid.
Luffy tanked 3 pointblank Boro Breaths from the stronger Dragon :milaugh:
Current Momo vs Zoro / Sanji
Momo wins

Zoro needs ashura or other too moves to really hurt Momo , even then Momo Haa Oden + Kaido's durability combined.
Sanji needs more

Oh both can't use their PUs for long, MOMO OUTLASTS them


Makes sense.:wellwell:

Oda is completely shitting at any fucking logic here. Who could've thought, right?:wellwell:

Well. I predicted this very early on. What I didn't predict is that Oda will lose his mind and make Momo injure Ryokugyu.

I'm not overly disappointed since I had behind my head that what Oda did to Kaido and Mom, he will do to other Top Tiers one way or the other but this is just retarded. Fr, I would rather take Yamato doing that shit because you can excuse it somewhat. This bullshit Momo wank makes no sense especially since his fruit is supposed to be a failed attempt at recreating Kaido's fruit lol.

So. Ryokugyu's introduction serves no purpose rather than Oda trying to overuse his brain cells at portraying 8 yo kid as a Guardian Deity of Wano.


tl;dr Ryokugyu withdrawing due to Shanks and his crew being there is completely normal. That retarded Momo wank was unnecessary.

I don't care much tbh. Ask anyone, I always shat on new Admirals. OG Trio always >
Told you it was gonna happen take your L now

Formerly Seth

From another leaker
  • Momo vs Greenbull
  • Momo finally figured out how to use Boro breath
  • With one single Boro breath, Momo clapped Greenbull
  • Greenbull is heavily injured
  • Greenbull somehow gets up but senses immense haki nearby
  • Greenbull is scared after sensing immense color of supreme kings and runs away
  • We see that the scary haki was from Shanks and he is in mainland Wano
So yeah, Momo almost low-diffed an admiral.

This is so fucking stupid.
Ryokugyu runs away because he notices RHP is completely normal. But that Momo shit is retarded lol.
The point is, how an overly aggressive and overconfident, bloodlusted Greenbull, after sensing Shanks' presence, immediately backing off. Oda could've made it clear by having Greenbull say "facing the RHPs along with the alliance will be too much". But Oda left it with Greenbull being intimidated by Shanks being present in a radius of a couple of miles.
because Akainu warned him
He was confident he can take on the alliance. He's not confident that he can take on the alliance and still fight Shanks and his crew

What's the problem?
This was probably mentioned before
But this chapter was to show that Wano doesn't need Yamato to stay as a guardian

Momo told Yamato to not help since it's his duty

I think this is the final bits of set-up for Yamato to join Luffy.
I know that you're doing this because you think Kizaru is fighting Zoro. If i were you, I'd give up on the idea completely. At this point Zoro and co shouldn't fight the Admirals. It's better than having to pretend like an Admiral trashes another when we have Akainu vs Aokiji as an example.
When you can't counter an argument, deflection is the normal choice. You can think what you want but the facts are right there in your face.
Yes it is an argument

I don't care if ice and water can cool magma in real life, magma can't burn fire in real life
Water cooled Magma in the OP world i literaly just said that in the comment you quoted. Just shows that you can only scream cope and throw emotes around instead of actualy using your brain.
In OP Magma is hotter than fire, but that doesn’t take away it’s ability to cool down. Which was shown in the Manga, with water and even air when WB blew it out. So water and air that are not even close to Ice in temperature can cool down Magma, but not Ice? If you actualy believe that, there is no help for you left.
And technically Magma can extinguish fire in real life. If you surround Fire with Magma if would cut off the air from the Fire and extinguish it.
So Magma > IRL too.
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