Current Events Who you wish as Brook's opponent? Apo is the most suiteable opponent for him.



When you think of it
Perospero is commander level anyway
He is not your normal flyer 6/veteran/numbers

He is like the strongest no commander all Yonko crew combined... so far.

Brook might push Apoo to No diff instead of No No diff
With the recent alliance between Big Mom and Beast Pirates, I am hoping that Oda does not just focus the fights on Beast pirates members, since the members from Big Mom pirates like Smoothie and Daifuku didn't shine in WCI as it was with Katakuri/Cracker/Oven.

So, because of that, I honestly would love to see a revenge match
Brook vs Perospero
Brook getting defeated by him in WCI played huge part in Pedro sacrificing himself to save Brook and Chopper from suffocating by candy. Let alone he made Sh escape for a while.

So, it would be nice to see Brook fucks up Perospero.

I think Apoo will be Kid's warm up before Kid's main opponent in this arc
Apo is warm up or not.. it's dependent to Kid's intent.. I think he will not get in this big war..
but brook will show us some guts.. I think he'll fight against to one of BM's crew... if C.smootie was not SG I'd choose her.. brook has no juice for her :) even she has a panty :)


I want it bad, but seems apoo has his beef with Kidd, so he must be up there with Kidd, as in brook stands no shot to win.