Who is the man with the burn mark?

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Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
I'm pretty sure Mihawk & Croco know the truth.

Mihawk was gauging other people's strength with just a look at them - he even says something like that to Zoro when they first meet & his VC also states that. Hard to imagine Buggy's lies fooling him.
Crocodile just straight up knows the truth lol.

Its just hella convenient to have the Cabin boy of the PK & Shanks' sworn brother as the face of this organization.
Yeah Buggy has the fake rep helping him. Buggy's organization was called the 'Great Pirate Allaince' or 'Pirate Dispatch Society' depending on the translation.

So it seems like one giant alliance where anyone can join and leave as they please as seen with Hajrudin who was a hired mercenary. Buggy was never really their boss.
Shanks was portrayed as Whitebeard's equal pre-timeskip when they clashed, whereas Mihawk at Marineford was portrayed as someone who wasn't even at his level.
I never understood how people could think Mihawk was Shank's equal after that.
Same ones that believed in zkk or other dumb stuff

Imagine believing someone aboge Shanks would be put under Buggy by Oda
I bet this all stuff is big meme..wonder if Croco and Mihawak ever joined Buggy...
Guess they just happend to run to each other at some island and got dragged into it..
Just classic Buggy luck !
Biggest hype for Mihawk

@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung

They let Shanks exist because Shanks cooperates
Shanks snitches
Shanks doesn't bother the Marines

Mihawk is literally out there hunting Marines and Marines ain't doing shit about it
If he was such a badass marine hunter he wouldn't have ran from the fodder that arrived on his island. Instead he showed his true colors and ran for the hills. Then he had to go bend the knee to Buggy like the bitch he is:josad: Guess he learned from his apprentice, Zoro who similarly prostrated himself in front of an enemy to beg. It's pitiful really. Then you want to hype up this man with no spine? Who fled at the first sight of the marines? :kuzanshut:

Don't ever compare this lowly Yonko commander to high top tiers like Shanks, or even lowly admirals. He's a fraud. Marines just have to get Vista and a few good men and this little Buggy fodder guild get folded. Then Mihawk will have to get on his knees for someone else. Pathetic.
What is Caribou planning guys...I have no idea what oda has in mind. I don't think he has anything good on him right now. Was expeccting him to do something with Shirahoshi information.
Yeah Buggy has the fake rep helping him. Buggy's organization was called the 'Great Pirate Allaince' or 'Pirate Dispatch Society' depending on the translation.

So it seems like one giant alliance where anyone can join and leave as they please as seen with Hajrudin who was a hired mercenary. Buggy was never really their boss.
I mean Mihawk knows Buggy is trash
He negged Buggy with his own weapon

Future Yonko got negged by Mihawk in seconds


I'm interested to see where the Straw Hats are going now

I'm really surprised they are leaving Wano so fast, i only thought they would leave it so soon if Vivi or Sabo were captured
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