Who is the man with the burn mark?

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Oda was never an edgy author....but he never gave half assed ending to any other arcs like he did with wano.....this is really bothering....especially, when he shafted SH bounties too....something which don't take even more than one page....instead we have another useless shinobi turning beautiful plotline....
why would he shaft their bounties only because they didn’t show on this chapter? That makes no sense. Why would he suddenly decide ti shaft them? They’re just delays. Which is why I am more convinced he is delaying showing more of Zoro. Same argument applies. Both things are super interesting to the fandom and he knows it lmao
Off the topic but Mihawk currently doesn't have CoC accord to the manga but HE'S DEFINITELY GOING TO HAVE IT IN FUTURE.

Don't know why people are getting frustrated or overreacting over such simple thing. Considering Mihawk's level, it would completely be suitable for him display it in his attacks.


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
Why would Mihawk join this shitty organization in the first place? :lusalty:
What do you mean shitty? We just need Doffy and we will have the most charismatic group (and Buggy) in OP. I think this chapter is good for Mihawk fans. Don't listen to idiots who are saying Mihawk wants Buggy's protection. Also, I think Mihawk joining the organization will be comedic, not anything he actively decided to do. But if he did, the name "Cross Guild" pretty much indicates that it's Mihawk's group (unless there is some other meaning behind the name that the spoiler providers aren't telling yet).

I would've preferred him to stay out of this whole throne war and wait for Zoro till he matures. But that is not happening. So, this is the second best option.

I will wait for Redon before judging this chapter. As bad as everything else has been about Wano, this development may genuinely be good.

Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
why not wanda tho??

- Daugther of Yonko
- Trapped on Onigashima for 20 years
- All the friends she made were killed and has been alone for the most part
- Parallel Oden and inherited his journal and will
- Parallel Ace and befriended him
- Yamato knows Luffy's true dream
- Close friend to Momo like Luffy
- Luffy freed her
- Special Oni race
- Mythical Devil Fruit
- Top tier fighter with AdCoC
- Colorful standout design
- Gimmic of impersonating someone else
- Wild card
- Great motivational and determination lines and spirit
- Parallel Rocks CoC crew struggle

What has Carrot got?..

- Furr
- No relation to Luffy and one sided
- Flimsy bonds with Nami and Chopper
- Didn't inherit Pedro's will
- Sulong on rare occurence and luck
- Useless
- Never been central
- Average in everything
- No quirk

You're not fooling me fake actor Dizzy..
You're talkin like I didn't want both to join so there's no need for mud slingin or slander
Not sure what you're tryin to accomplish here
Kinda weird tbh
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