Who is the man with the burn mark?

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I included Redon's additional spoilers

- One Piece 1,056: Cross Guild
- On the cover of the chapter, Katakuri and Oven vs Germa.
- Some of the former Shichibukai, including Crocodile and Mihawk, set up an organization and the World Government considers Captain Buggy to be the leader. "Cross Guild" is the term used in the newspaper to refer to this new organization and we can see a poster with Buggy, Crocodile and Mihawk, as well as the organization's logo. (A guild is an organization of persons with related interests, goals, etc., especially one formed for mutual aid or protection.)
- Buggy put bounties on Marines' heads.
- The next morning, Carrot and the strawhats are about to leave Wano kuni.
- Caribou is in the sunny and he hears a conversation from the strawhat crew about Pluton.
- Caribou: "First Poseidon and now Pluton!? I must tell THAT PERSON at once."

- Neko and Inu are staying in Wano, and they choose Carrot as their successor to lead the Minks. Carrot does not join the strawhats.
- Luffy, Kid and Law set off in different routes, like it was explained in Gyojin Island.
- Kid leaves Wano but he does not go after Shanks, Kid will search "a man with a burned mark" who seems to hold some hint about One Piece.
- Momonosuke and Kinemon get up and realize that Luffy and his crew are about to leave Wanokuni. Strawhat crew said goodbye to everyone except Momonosuke and Kinemon.

- Shinobu is thin and beautiful again thanks to Aramaki’s attack.
- Shinobu becomes Tama's mentor.
- Luffy promises Tama that she can become his nakama when she can use Ninjutsu.

- At the end of the chapter, we see Yamato standing on the castle roof and is about to run to catch up with the strawhats.
- Jump break next week (holidays).

- No bounty is revealed in the chapter.


Talent is something you make bloom.
But wouldn't the Vivi parallel mean she's staying behind?

If Yamato joins won't it automatically be an Oden parallel?
Nah, it's the same situation. They wait for her, she gets emotional, but instead of declaring she's going to stay behind like vivi did, she asks to join.
Oden annoyed his way into WB's ship.

Yamato might annoy the readers, but she doesn't annoy the SH's per se.
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