Who is the man with the burn mark?

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Maybe Germa will get saved by some other intruders because them losing and getting captured in their own cover story sounds pointless and disappointing when they went to rescue some of their members in the first place but at the same time Katakuri already beat Ichiji and now he has Oven as back-up with Cracker on the way if Germa are the only intruders so Germa's screwed (them winning would be Sanji hype I guess but sounds too unlikely and would be underwhelming for Katakuri and Cracker). Blackbeard Pirates exploiting Big Mom's absence is a nice theory and I'd be cool with that leading to Germa escaping.

I like that Carrot is getting some focus. I would've liked her to join but it seems she'll reconsider her potential role as the new leader of Zou along with Wanda. Relating her choice to Pedro's sacrifice is nice and like he heard from Roger, everyone gets their time at some point so I can see her choosing to stay on Zou or adventuring but with her lack of focus lately, she'll probably just lead Zou (I'd love it if she joined but it's unlikely).

Yamato's obviously joining (it's been apparent for a while) but it's funny and weird how the Straw Hats were cool with just leaving.

Hopefully Straw Hat bounties next chapter to juxtapose the Straw Hats' growth and current position with the Blackbeard Pirates' if we're also shown some devil fruit reveals from them (Avalo, Jesus, Laffitte).

The dude with the burn scar being Scopper would be a nice way of making another former-Rogwr Pirate relevant. He should have info so it makes sense someone like Kid would search him out. Maybe it's just someone else and Oda will elaborate then.
People need to remember what we know and what the WG know is 2 differnt things .
Buggy won't have even become a warlord if WG knew the truth .
He become a yonko thanks croc , mihawk and everything else he has but the WG also think he strong .
Oden is a YC1, stop crying the butthurt troll who ran from replying my post after tagging my name first :suresure:
Who ran bitch? There is nothing to talk about with you or to reply to in your delusional ranting. You are an example of a textbook Miahwk downplayer. That is why I tagged you. As a bad example for any poor fucks that actually get rolled up by your mad ravings. Bye clown:milaugh:

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I mean, look at the first comment I quoted you with. There was ZERO animosity and I even prefaced it with it not being biased towards any one particular side.

If Carrot stays and becomes leader of Zou, then so be it lol, you know I've advocated for Yamato for years on that thread.

The difference is, I never had an issue with Carrot ALSO joining, but clearly there is some spite and anger going around about this shit lol. Again, you do you.
Buddy, you and I both know I don’t talk that nice when I’m actually mad…I’m just saying that Yamato’s chances have never been contingent on Carrot, but the same has not been true in reverse since the former’s introduction, and now there’s even less impetus behind the rabbit joining. If she does, then to turn a phrase, so be it, I’ve said my piece on that multiple times :kayneshrug:

Formerly Seth

Oden is a YC1, stop crying :rolaugh:

Zolo is a YC1 too right now and he will beat your mihawk as a YC1 :kailaugh:

YC1 = Ladmiral might be even too much for Ladmirals.

Says the butthurt troll who ran from replying my post after tagging my name first :suresure:

Magellan got scarred by Yami BB and Shiryu, Magellan's equal become Yami BB's underling cry more.


Have you skipped the moment where Magellan humiliated the entire BB crew and they only lived because Shiryu handled them the antidote?
So I'll assume the arguments that you skipped you conceited?
What arguments though? Buggy having found fortune, which may or may not resulted in him having huge military might? Well, that's up in the air. Zoro being embarrassed that his end goal serves Buggy? Faulty too. Zoro's end goal is to be the most powerful swordsman. Mihawk serving someone else or being killed off even would not change that. Zoro doesn't even give a fuck about Mihawk on a personal level, tells him to fuck off:

So why would you argue Zoro only talked highly of Mihawk to secretly save face? That has absolutely no basis and quite frankly, it's not even my job to disprove that, as it is your job to prove the claims you make rather than just make it sound like it's "obvious".
No, because Zoro and Sanji are not rivals, they are just being competitive. Shanks and Mihawk however had battles which even Whitebeard remembers among the legends of the past. With secondary sources saying that Shanks was the one getting famous through battling Mihawk.
Because according to you he's that strong? What, couple fodder ships are too much for him? That's because Whitebeard was sailing on a ship and had a crew with him. He did not have an island like Mihawk to chill in one place, he was sailing.
So the fact Whitebeard was sailing means he cannot fight those marines off? It doesn't matter how strong Mihawk is, as the Marines would keep sending forces endlessly, even admirals at some point. Mihawk chose that location to drink wine and read the news. Obviously it wouldn't make sense to stay there with the entire marines targetting the island.
The last time we saw him he was literally getting excited about being chased. So what happened? Now he has to team up with others for protection...
Yeah, the fact he was getting excited proves that Mihawk needs no protection. Him joining this organisation out of the necessity of being protected is another headcanon you pulled out of your ass. Prove your words, cite where it was said Mihawk joined for protection. Well, you can't, because obviously, you are talking rubbish. You saw a pic of Mihawk being depicted along with Crocodile and Buggy and somehow fabricated the theory Mihawk serves under Buggy and needs protection, even through everyone - Shanks, Luffy, Zoro call it bullshit and Buggy a fraud.

Are you even interested in facts, or are you just wasting my time with your cope?
Did he not apologize to Shanks and say that he won't hold back?
Not holding back =/= going all out. Kaido too told Yamato that he won't hold back. Last time I checked, he didn't use his strongest modes (Shuron Hakke, Flame Dragon Torch). Holding back is any attempt to not harm the opposite person. But as Mihawk was testing whether fate will protect Luffy, he obviously wouldn't restrain himself.

But to assume that Mihawk went all out on a pre skip rookie Luffy is pretty silly, isn't it? Zoro obliterated King (YC1) and still remembers his promise of facing Mihawk, which won't happen very soon. And you think Zoro's end boss can't beat pre skip Luffy when going all out.
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