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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
After consuming a bunch of media, I am convinced that Iapanese people cannot write for shit
Take a series like Fairy Tale. Obviously the author is super-talented and intelligent. The issue is the schedule.

Most Mangaka are breaking their bodies just trying to meet the deadline. It takes a serious work ethic, dedication, and honestly lots of luck to be able to plan far ahead while still releasing weekly. A lot of shit writing comes from the pressure of having to release nearly weekly and constantly generate hype and views.

If we want better writing, Mangaka need more breaks and better schedules, IMO.
If Nami was a "summoner" type of character, I could buy the "zeus".
But she literally misses the attack and Zeus has to change course on its own and hit Ulti to finish her. Had Nami at least commanded him to do so, like a pokemon, it would be fine and still count as Nami's W, imo.
But nah.
Yeah this is why it was so shit.
If Oda wants Nami to turn into a pseudo mage/summoner, why not. Could be fun.
But Zeus basically worked on autopilot in this one.
Both Usopp and Nami got shafted when it comes to fight
Oda had a cliffhanger of Nami swearing to kick Ulti ass with a badass face just to have her job without landing a single attack 2 pages in the following chapter lol
He's a jerk
At least that was just a chapter.

Yamato fans have been waiting for like 2 years. Like just think all the times Yamato has said "IM JOINING"

Like Lol, just think about the upcoming anime episodes when she says "IM JOINING LUFFY"

Narrator: She did not.
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